Revenge pt 1 – The seeds are planted

I hated my twin sister’s best friend. Her name was Jessica. When we were younger, she tormented me endlessly. She mocked me for my skinny frame, my slightly higher than average voice, and for a dozen other apparently obvious flaws. This continued through all the years I’d known her. Recently, her favourite comment was about … Read more


Kim was awoken by the urge to pee. Instantly she knows that something wasn’t right here. The position she was lying on the bed, all spread out, wasn’t natural to her at all. She usually sleeps on her side in roughly the fetal position. As she opened her eyes to get her bearings, she realizes … Read more

My Sister, The Bitch… Chapter 1

“Robbie, you are grounded!” Ellen snapped at her son. “I can’t believe you thought you could get away with something like that.” “Mom! That’s not fair!” Robbie protested. “I told you that if you forgot to take out the garbage for pickup one more time that you’d be grounded for a week. Well, you forgot. … Read more

The Mulberry’s Nanny Part 1

I rang the door bell and quickly checked my appearance in the window to the side of the door. I looked casual but still professional. I had my hair in a ponytail, a tan button up sweater and a white shirt underneath. I also had black khakis on and black sneakers. I was generally satisfied … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Slave Chronicles 11: Sally, The Gift

Saturday, April 17th, 2031 – Sally Fritz – Washington D.C., North American District “Are you nervous?” Cardinal Jessie asked me. “I am, Mistress,” I promptly answered, smiling up at the beautiful, blonde woman. “You’re going to knock their socks off,” she grinned, rubbing my hair. Her husband, Cardinal Kevin, walked in and gave his wife … Read more

Instructor Mike’s Academy – Part 1 – Taking the First Step

“Thank you for the presents Uncle Mike! This is the best birthday ever!” “Anything for my little princess. My little niece is growing up so fast and I bet she’s starting to notice boys. Tell Uncle Mike all about…” There I was on the floor of a stranger’s living room, laying on a doggy bed, … Read more

Birds of a Feather, Chapter 7

Birds of a Feather, Chapter 7 (I can’t believe this happened) Thursday morning started out great. We were both in a good mood as I drove to work. Things started on a good note but within an hour, it had turned into a Murphy’s Law day. One little fuck up after the other. Days like … Read more

Accidental text

Back to the story: Friday night, my wife and I had our friends from the neighbourhood over for drinks. This type of party happens every other weekend and almost always with the same group of 5-10 couples. Before everyone had arrived, the house was clean, everything was ready and my wife was running last minute … Read more

The Gender Wars Chapter 1 Protection

I was born in the late 2020s. I’m told, that’s when the Feminists began heating up the debate that started the war. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. My name is Martin Michaels, First infantry division of the United Male Domination Forces or U.M.D.F, and this is my story. Chapter 1 Protection By the … Read more

Caught Red Handed Pt. 01

Chapter 1 I pick myself up after being table topped by Ken and Jude. That sounds much worse than it actually is. “Dude, are you okay?” Anthony asks as he helps dust me off as we make our way back to the locker room after practice. “I’m fine…” I mutter. “Why do they have to … Read more

Cheating while my wife breastfeeds

The following story is true. I have read and re-read this story over and over and each time I think, “Did it really happen like that? Am I that cruel? My favourite comments from my previous (first) story from anonymous readers: ……..“Your opening words, “I’m not a writer.” Keep it that way and don’t bother … Read more