The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 3)

Graybeard looked like an aggressive creature, one to be feared, not challenged or denied. Lindsey wondered how Number one had managed to defy this beast. Lindsey cringed when Graybeard began to sniff at her hair and stroke her hairless face with surprisingly tactile fingers. She was astonished by his gentleness. Slowly she relaxed and allowed … Read more


Thousand upon thousands of feet stomped on the ground above. Titan could picture the huge dust cloud that must be covering the landscape above as hundreds of men and women struggling to push against the tide entering the colosseum. The shouts of the crowd outside travel down into the pits below. Titan eyes the fresh … Read more

The Twin Cheerleaders: The Aftermath Part II

“Sit down Dad.” I said to my father, extremely terrified. He knew right away what this conversation was going to be about. “Dad…. The babies are mine,” I confessed to him. “Oh my God!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. “How could you be so irresponsible. You’ve ruined your life and these two … Read more

Min Wong forces Kate (Part One)

My name is Min Wong and I came from China to England for a 2 week educational conference. It’s like a vacation and my boss told me that, if I get lots of people to my seminar, he would send me on more trips abroad. That’s better than staying home teaching. My first presentation was … Read more


MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 8 THE ARRIVAL My beautiful sister Rachel had fed me dinner in our, soon to arrive, guest’s new bed; her kind ministrations, an attempt to make up for her previous molestation. Rach had left me to go return the tray of dirty dishes to the kitchen. I could … Read more

Three J’s and an S Go Skiing – Day 2

Julie, Judy, and Joan slept until after eleven. By the time they had awakened, Sara had the cabin completely cleaned and straightened up. The Three J’s took their time showering and finally emerged into the living room around noon. They were all wearing the same light, pajama-like sweatsuits they had been wearing the previous evening … Read more

Control Geek-Chapter 4

Trevor told Mitch that coach hung out at the local coffee house after school. Figured. A lot of cute guys came there after school. Mitch figured coach would likely follow Trevor into the men’s room. Mitch would be in one of the stalls when they came in. As coach passed his stall, Mitch would stick … Read more

The Capturing Chapter 1

A knock at the door broke Alex’s concentration on his paperwork and he looked up. “Yes?” His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands. “Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down. “I have all the material you asked for,” … Read more

Three J’s and an S Go Skiing

Starts a little slow because this might be the first in a long series = = = = = = = = = = Julie, Judy, and Joan had been friends since before kindergarten. When their mothers car pooled for school events, etc, they spoke of “picking up The Three J’s.” Teachers, and most of … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 16

Chapter 16 I got home and went in my room to cool off a bit and change out of my bathing suit which was getting a bit uncomfortable as it was tight and was digging into my skin. I started with the top first since that was where the most discomfort was coming from. As … Read more

Becoming submissive part 3

This was the second night in a row that Brent had made me wear a dildo in my pussy. But tonight in addition to the dildo I had a long thin vibrator shoved in my ass, which made it near impossible to sleep. To make matters worse, throughout the night he would text me and … Read more

The great wat 3033 part 4

Jack had just walked out of the bridge and was on his way to his cabin to look at the bow when, the captain called over the ship intercom for jack to come back to the bridge as he would want to see this. Jack sighed heavily and made his way back to the bridge … Read more


We had spent a wonderful day in the back yard, my husband, 3 of his friends, my folks, we had a nice BBQ, lots of beer, and wine coolers, the next day my husband and his friends wanted to drive up to the newly opened East Germany for a day and look around, since before … Read more