Neglected Niece pt 1

Madison stared at the long row of suburban houses stretched in front of him on the street as he drove his truck past dozens of cars parked anywhere from right up to the curb all the way to practically the middle of the road. He was not fond of this aspect of suburban life. He … Read more


CHAPTER 6 – TESTING SLAVE After six weeks of intensive training slave was obedient and compliant, but there were many tests still ahead. How would she respond in public or with people she knew where she could be embarrassed…humiliated by her actions? These would be the true tests of slave’s devotion to her Master and … Read more

Amanda’s Ordeal – Chapter 1_(1)

Kate and Amanda are both 18. Kate is 5’7” and Amanda is 5’4”. Kate has tan skin as well as dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. Amanda has a much lighter shade of skin and has blue eyes and blonde hair. Both are beautiful girls that many would envy. Anyways, now that that’s over, … Read more

Marking – An unexpected fetish – Part 1

This story takes place while I was seeing Cindy. I’m jumping around with stories from our time together as we were often “working on” several things at once, which makes a pure linear recounting of our experiences difficult. Before this story took place Cindy had decided that she was tired of letting preconceived ideas, friends, … Read more

For to a sub (1 & 2)

Part 1. You’ve been asleep for some time now. Which makes sense after the intense session we had, you asked that I hold you for a little bit. We kiss, cuddle… You feel my naked body pressed against yours. My heat radiating and warming your body as you lay across my chest. You haven’t slept … Read more

My Life as a Slave 1

My Life as a Slave 1 I entered the gay chatroom, posting that I was looking for someone that was dominant and into bondage. After a few fruitless hours, and some people that didn’t quite grasp the concept of intelligent conversation, I was messaged by someone who intrigued me. His name was Ross, he was … Read more

The Titchester Chronicles – The Law Firm (2)

AM Michelle looked at her chosen outfit and tingled in anticipation. She could still see herself from yesterday. On her knees, naked and receiving a strange man’s cum. Several men’s cum. Had she done that? The encounter had barely lasted 15 mins but it looped over and over in her head. And they had paid … Read more

Schoolgirl’s Dress Code Discipline

“Annabel Howard to the principal’s office. Ms. Howard, please come to the principal’s office. Thank you.” The crackly speaker clicked off, ending Mrs. Fisk’s monotone announcement. Annabel felt the eyes of her classmates on her. Her tummy knotted as heat began to rush into her arms, shoulder, and face—the telltale signs of her body growing … Read more

Edie, Dave and Don’sdick

As the 28yr old brunette was sucking life back into the old man’s cock, a tear rolled down her pretty face as her thoughts traveled back… Her neighbor, Dave, was a fairly nice looking guy and had a really great smile. It was easy to be attracted to him, although both of them were already … Read more

A Hate Fuck with Emma_(0)

********** According to Urban Dictionary, a hate fuck means “to have sex, especially in a rough manner, with someone whom one finds finds physically attractive but personally loathsome.” One Wednesday after school, my drama teacher, Mr. James, called me into his office. “Greg,” he said before pausing to phrase his next words carefully. “I have … Read more

A boys sex training part 1

Charlie thinks he can get away from me, that I am easily escaped. Yet he listened to my fabulous “Vagina” recording on my website how many times? A total of four now…..he tries to deny his obsession with me when I confront him about it. Charlie is a 67 year old, impotent, white male from … Read more

The Hike Part#2

Part#2 Before Myra could turn around to investigate the noises in the bushes behind her several sets of large hands took control of her little body. She screamed in surprise. The last thing the girl on the ground mumbled to her was enjoy it. She was carried off away from her. A giant hand controlled … Read more

The Damage is Already Done

I’m Max, a 23-year-old black man recently commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force, serving at my first duty location, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. While earning my degree at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, I thought that area was remote; but this place is really, I mean, really, really remote. Not … Read more