What a way to end a marriage…

I am a woman in my fifties, and I am recently divorced. It was too long of a time coming, and I think I wasted too many years not knowing what good sex was. The sex in my marriage slowed down a lot in our forties, and when my husband suggested that we try swapping … Read more

Meeting Dana

I just got a request for how I met my best friend and lover, Dana. I thought I would tell that and she is here with me at the moment to help me out with it. Well, I was trying to learn to defend myself and so went to a local martial arts place to … Read more

Digimon: Rise and Fall: Chapter 2: Vanity

Mimi stood in her dressing room getting ready for her performance. All around her were make up artists and hair stylists getting her ready. Her hair was back to her natural brown colour. Her first talent agent told her to drop the pink hair to focus on her more natural beauty. She wore a stylish … Read more

Patricia’s Daring Anniversary Experiment, Part 5

Patricia and Lori, my gorgeous redhead, and I were taking turns kissing Diane’s mouth and drinking milk from her erect nipples. Their mistress was slightly grinding her hips against me, keeping my cock prisoner in her beautiful cunt. Diane was softly groaning in satisfaction. We were all slightly startled by a light knock at the … Read more

The Marriage Bed

She was married off young. She was fifteen when she married a thirty-five year old man, his name was Rohan. She was afraid of him, and he was turned on by her. She was short, had well placed curves. Her breasts were fairly large for her frame and were often displayed prominently at the top … Read more

How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 9d

Part 4. ‘Are you okay, sweet girl?’ I asked, helping her to her feet. She was shaking, and her eyes shone with the intensity of her orgasm as she thanked me. ‘Mr. Stevenson,’ she said hesitantly, ‘can I tell you something?’ ‘Of course, Abigail,’ I said, holding her close. She looked up at me with … Read more

Legally Binding, Ch. 8

When we finally reached Your house, Sir, I remembered being somehow surprised by its ordinariness, its bland similarity to the houses around it. I have no idea why I thought it would be somehow different; I certainly wasn’t expecting to find a dark, sinister castle filled with torch-lit dungeons or anything like that. It just … Read more

Joanie’s Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasant flashbacks from last night … Read more

Girls night out gone wrong! Part 2

She was passed out on my bed for the past hour. I had gone thru her purse and got her name and other info. Her name was Victoria. She was a gorgeous 32 yr old housewife and mother of two. She had a sexy body and her tight fitting, low cut, sexy blue dress was … Read more

Master! Master! Part 8

Part 8: For several days, the whiteout continued. I was learning to live without TV and Internet, though the itch never went away. It was certainly nice to have a vacation and rest with my girls, but that wasn’t to say we weren’t busy. My driveway was bound to get plowed sooner or later, and … Read more

Amanda’s Fantasy_(0)

Her eyes flickered between pleasure and pain as he thrust into her. His hand was wrapped tightly around her neck, his fingers forcing red marks into her skin, and she could feel her head becoming lighter in response. Her hands and face scraped against the brick wall, the little pieces of debris flaking off into … Read more


You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and tough-looking African-American woman, at least ten years older than me. She gives me a hard slap on the ass, … Read more

Scenario 1: Bound

He woke up unable to move his arms; he could feel the restraints around his upper arms and wrists. Moving them forward, he was unable to get them above his waist. Gauging from the lack of feeling in them he‘d been bound and in that position for a while. The ground was cool beneath him, … Read more

SPuT9 pt 20

“Party Preparations” Saturday, December 23. Late Afternoon/Early Evening Dave was still in the family room when the girls started coming down. The first ones to appear were Olivia and Jennifer. They were holding hands when they entered the living room. Both were freshly showered and both had glowing smiles on their faces. Dave muted the … Read more

the Bar 2

You stand up, barely being able to balance. Your eyes lock with Mila’s. She hands you a glass… “It’s water,” she says as she moves extremely close to you. Your cock still recovering from Sara and Crystal starts to harden. Mila leans in and slides her tongue across your bottom lip. Your cock throbs. Your … Read more

MILF Teacher: Becoming a Present

MILF TEACHER: BECOMING A PRESENT For me, growing up in the south in the eighties, racism wasn’t as rampant and blatant as it was in the past, but the undercurrent was there. I grew up in a very racist upper class family where my father believed that whites were superior to blacks in all ways. … Read more