The Lost Underworld of Aguadoria

Sometimes court gets too much to handle. King Teran needs to escape from the day to day nonsense, the constant bickering between the high lords. In these times he feels like a teenage boy, sneaking out from his underwater castle. Sneaking out from his responsibilities. He has done these late night rides but he never … Read more

the training of lucy

The Training of Lucy I had met Lucy several months ago at a family party. She was a friend of my sister in law. We were introduced, we exchanged pleasantries and then we went our separate ways to enjoy the party and I thought nothing more of it. She was attractive. About 5’5” with blonde … Read more

My History Teacher 8

Enjoy! (; ———- “Kelly, I have to leave.” I insist as Kelly’s lips run over my neck and the bulge in her pants grinds against my ass. Kelly smiles against my skin and flicks her tongue teasingly over my earlobe. I whimper and close my eyes for some semblance of control. I was supposed to … Read more

The School Bus

I excitedly got on the school bus and said, “Hey,” to Mr. Turner the bus driver. He looked me over and said, “Happy Friday, Joe,” in a way that conveyed no happiness or joy. This was not new; he said this to me every Friday after school. I always thought he was a strange guy. … Read more

Down on the Farm 03

Nicole arrived exactly on time at eight on Friday night… and she was already naked. Because she didn’t want to risk being late, she had left early, pulled into the small glen near the farm to strip off, and waited there until just before eight. She felt very vulnerable sitting naked in her car, but … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 16 and 17)

Chapter 16 THE LAST DAY The next morning Kitten drove Claire in to work. Claire said nothing to her about Kitten fucking Claire’s father, and Kitten didn’t volunteer anything. Claire didn’t really understand her own feelings. There was so much strange going on. She liked Kitten – maybe more than any friend she’d ever had. … Read more

Family Fun_(5)

Movie night happened every Sunday night for both Freya and Mariya. The identical twins made a point to get together and watch a movie or two and catch up on their week, especially if they hadn’t seen each other in a few days. And it was no different on this Sunday with the two curls … Read more

Shannon swallows gallons of it

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. The seven men were still there, Mack standing right in the middle of them. Three of them had put their underwear back on, the others were still naked, their freakishly deformed bodies pale and exposed. When they saw that I was awake, they started back at … Read more

C-FAST part 2

Pete just stood and looked around at the other guys. He saw that some were starting to dress in their uniforms, but a few were standing and looking shocked at what they’d been instructed to do. “I notice a certain reluctance in some of you girls,” observed Mistress Ruth. “Let’s see if I can convince … Read more

Polka Dot Pajama Bottoms

Her apartment smelled of fabric softener, Om Nagchampa incense, and sweet cannabis. The balcony doors were all open and the heat of his anxiousness steadily seeped out into the tropical January night chill. She was wearing less than usual, this was the first time he had ever seen her shapely long legs. His eyes traced … Read more

Practically Invisible_(0)

Practically Invisible “Megen!” I called. “I need you to take out the trash!” In the other room, Megen grunted and did as I said, though she barely acknowledged my presence in doing so. I sighed. Such was my relationship with my 16 year old granddaughter. She and her parents and brother were living at my … Read more