Twelve Days a Slave 6 of 13

Chapter Six – Slave missy experiences a top-of-the-line Madison Robotic Discipline System William and slave missy’s morning routine was quickly becoming automatic. William was evidently an early riser. He would get up, shower, and go up front to the kitchen area where he would watch early morning television and catch up on the news on … Read more

Harsh Training

It was a harsh sight. Brutal was the only way to describe it. But Master Khalil didn’t train sex slaves to be soft and cutesy. He trained obedient, fuck-able slave girls to serve the whims of his buyers, and that meant the harshest sexual degradations and training known to women. Some called his methods too … Read more

Celebrity Trainers: Kristen Stewart_(0)

Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair caught him by surprise. What resulted was a mixture of grief and anger. And despite his best efforts to reconcile, the feelings were not going away. When a friend of a friend suggested a certain place that “fixes these relationship problems”, Robert was skeptical. The … Read more

Aunty’s Darker Side Exposed

Hello this is Sushant. I am 18 years old and a 12th standard science student. I am 5’11 and fair skinned, with the physique like a normal healthy Indian teenager. I belong from the famous Shalak family of the state who were well renowned for their widespread business all around the state. I have an … Read more

Fallen Fruit – Introduction: Anton and Jenna’s Shop of Opportunity

About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. … Read more

Perils of Amishi – Chapter 2 – Dhanwarlal’s torment

After Amishi confessed her tragic encounter with Dhanwarlal, I was left with a confused feeling for days. A part of me felt horrified with the events, while a part of me felt relieved that at least I knew the truth. I wanted to confront Dhanwarlal right away but first I had to know more, I … Read more

Aspiring actress – Chelsea’s story part 3 decision time

Chelsea was stunned she couldn’t believe how this man had taken over her apartment, the offer of a lifetime on her table for the price of making a video, what did he mean by all those present? Was he expecting his assistant to join in. Surely she wouldn’t be working for him at her age … Read more

The Love of Money I Chapter 5a: Promotions and Proposals

As I left Gina’s office, I caught sight of Natalie again. Our eyes met for a moment and I could feel her questions on me from halfway across the office. “Gina’s going to be busy packing her stuff. Is there another place I can go for the next couple of meetings? Somewhere without anyone nearby. … Read more

Daddy’s Girl, Part 3

Dinner was perfect after that tasty appetizer, the bison flank steak Daddy and I had was cooked to perfection, just rare enough to make me purr happily. Because he has special plans for me next, we each only have one glass of wine a piece. As we nibble on the apple tatin with salted butter … Read more

The Punishment Of Hermione Granger (Chapter 2)

CHAPTER TWO: INSPECTIONS It occurs to her in the early hours of the morning when she can’t sleep that she could go to Dumbledore and tell him what happened. There’s no way he’d allow such a thing to happen in the school, certainly, but Hermione fears what would happen to her if she spoke of … Read more

It’s My Party

I was already lying across the spanking / fucking bench when the first partygoers arrived. Julie Ann, called J by everyone… and Mistress J by those in the inner circle… was there to meet them. She quickly explained, “Mistress Regina was called away on urgent business, but she didn’t want to cancel the party, so … Read more

Druids Ordeal – Chapter 3

I awoke this morning on the floor. I must have cried myself to sleep after Kelmane and Ardy left me last night. I could feel tears welling up in me again, but I remembered that Kelmane had ordered me to get myself cleaned up. I did not want to anger him and thought it best … Read more

A Wife in Bondage Ch. 1

Finally! Home at last; it had been such a long day dealing with clients… The boss hat can be such a strain on your sanity. As you opened the door to your apartment, you were very surprised to find that all the lights were off – even more surprising was that the normal rambunctious dogs … Read more

Enslaved, Entrapped 14-16

Again, thanks for all the feedback. I really apreciate it! Just a heads up: These next few chapters are relatively mild compared to the previous update. I most likely wont be able to update soon, at the soonest probably in august. I would like to ask any interested readers: What would you like to see … Read more

New Slave Monica

New Slave Monica Max Colton is a CEO of a large international company and a member of an elite private BD/sm club. After attending several of the club’s functions Max had observed many of his friends and members had female slaves serving them with pleasure and loyalty for nothing more than than care, protection and … Read more

The Gender Wars Chapter 1 Protection

I was born in the late 2020s. I’m told, that’s when the Feminists began heating up the debate that started the war. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. My name is Martin Michaels, First infantry division of the United Male Domination Forces or U.M.D.F, and this is my story. Chapter 1 Protection By the … Read more