Trafficked Love Ch. 12

Chapter Twelve: Forgive Us, Our Trespasses Dante had dropped Angel off at the club, as promised. He had left fairly quickly afterwards too. She seemed to suddenly not trust him, when he had awoken that morning. He had made her breakfast while she showered, but she refused to eat. She had sat outside smoking for … Read more

The act of vengeance_(2)

Chapter 1 I had been really excited to go to high-school. I wanted nothing more than to finally abandon my boring primary school and join the grown-ups. In primary school I would usually stroll down the hallways, having only but my thoughts as occupation. I was fairly smart for my age, at least smarter than … Read more

The Kingdom ch. 03

Chapter Three — A Visit from the Earl James, the Earl of Sade, sat across from King Atheling in front of the roaring fire as they discussed the state of affairs of the land. After a while and several goblets of wine, their conversation turned, as it usually did, to the topic of women and … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 5)

Chapter 6: Hannah Learns the Value and Purpose of her Mouth Unlike the other past two nights, Hannah fell asleep immediately after being placed on the bed and the gang allowed her to sleep well into the morning. By the time Tank woke her it was almost noon and the men could not wait any … Read more

A Slut is Born_(1)

“Amy wake up”. Three loud knocks on the door. “Amy are you in there”? The knocking continued. “time to go to class”. If there is something I hate it’s waking up in a rush. “I’m up Jenny, I’m up, god can you be any louder”? I heard giggles from outside my bedroom door. “Today is … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 16

Chapter Sixteen: Invincible It was a few days later when Rich received the phone call. Bishop had requested that Angel perform at the annual, in just a few days. Angel was far from happy about the news. It was never good when another pimp took interest in another’s girl. Rich wasn’t too happy either. He … Read more

Reading Allowed, Pt.7

READING ALLOWED, Part 7 One hour later, Marie was feeling decidedly cranky. Her wrists were cuffed securely to her collar, held there by short lengths of chain, so that her hands dangled impotently at the level of her shoulders. Her ankles were hobbled by an 18-inch length of chain, enough slack that she could walk … Read more

The Act of Vengeance: Chapter 2

The Act of Vengeance Chapter 2 ————————————————————————————————————– “I told you I would be back,” I laughed when I noticed her startled look. “Did you really think I would leave you here like this?” She remained silent. “Anyway, we weren’t done yet,” I could see her tensing up at my words. “I mean I still need … Read more

A day at the Grange pt 1

Written and edited with the collaboration and inspiration of a good friend and favourite naughty mouse. Sir Richard Grey was taking his afternoon walk one glorious summer’s day, strolling down the lanes a few miles from his estate. As he approached a cross roads around the corner, a young lady came riding side saddle. Her … Read more

Late for Class

Late for Class Introduction: Ashley becomes late for math class, and is punished by her teacher! (Essentially what I would wish to happen if I was late for class) ​As she opened her locker that Friday morning, Ashley had no idea that her life was about to change.  She picked up her books, and quickly … Read more

Using Lace pt 4

The drizzling rain dotted along the cracked sidewalk. The trees swayed as the wind kicked up their thirsty leaves. It was dark now. Past midnight by Lacey’s guess. The temperature had dropped a lot since they had entered the club hours earlier. Her and Antonio were leaving now making their way through the crowded parking … Read more

Boy Stud-7

I could tell that Greta wasn’t happy, even though she really didn’t say anything. Dad and I both ate two big, heaping-helpings of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and he also gave me my first full cup of coffee, rather than letting me have little sips of his. After Dad had sent Greta downstairs to … Read more

Serenity part 2

The Following Day : Serenity had woken up and continued as if it were a regular morning, she showered, done her hair and makeup and went into the bedroom to get dressed. As she approached the bed she had seen that Nick had laid out something for her to wear for the day. Serenity got … Read more