Schoolgirl’s Dress Code Discipline

“Annabel Howard to the principal’s office. Ms. Howard, please come to the principal’s office. Thank you.” The crackly speaker clicked off, ending Mrs. Fisk’s monotone announcement. Annabel felt the eyes of her classmates on her. Her tummy knotted as heat began to rush into her arms, shoulder, and face—the telltale signs of her body growing … Read more

A boys sex training part 1

Charlie thinks he can get away from me, that I am easily escaped. Yet he listened to my fabulous “Vagina” recording on my website how many times? A total of four now…..he tries to deny his obsession with me when I confront him about it. Charlie is a 67 year old, impotent, white male from … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 14

Béla was back aboard the great ship, confined to unfamiliar, cramped quarters after turning herself in for killing a landowner. The Bard Geoffrey and two of her sisters, Dawn and Jolene, were currently managing the estates that she’d acquired from Robert LaCrosse, whom she admitted murdering. Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had … Read more

Golden Lust Ch.05

Well as sad as it is the say, the weekend is finally over. It’s time to get on back to school, and try not to bomb out of any of my classes. Thankfully I’m still managing to get through by the skin of my teeth, I was hoping to study just a little & get … Read more

How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 9a

Author’s note: Special thanks to A, who inspired me to write her into this chapter and to whom I owe any additional energy or creativity you may find here. You’re delightful. This is a four-part chapter in a chronologically and procedurally arranged series; I’d recommend that you start with Ch. 1 to get your bearings … Read more

Twelve Days a Slave 1 of 13

Convicted of terrorism, Vicki is sentenced to penal slavery Vicki, a young woman who works for a large department store, figures out a way to bypass the electronic return tags on expensive dresses sold by the store where she works . This allows her to buy dresses on a Friday, wear them to events over … Read more

Teaching my daughter a valuable lesson

As I returned to my office at 12:30 on the dot, I noticed that all of the upper management staff had taken off for the rest of the day, to get a headstart on the 3 day holiday weekend ahead of us. When I looked around and saw that I was one of the only … Read more

The Headmaster’s Room (pt 2)

The Headmasters’ Room’ (Part 2) When the bell rang for the end of the morning lessons at 12.30; I was strangely disappointed at not having been called back to Mr Skinners’ office for him to finish my punishment in his study. I ate lunch with some girlfriends then hung around the gym buildings smoking cigarettes … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 7)

Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly … Read more

Is It Punishment If She Likes It?

“What am I going to do with you, slut? For now, strip for me, slowly,” I demand while slapping a riding crop in my hand. “Once completely nude, turn, face the bed, bend down, and place your hands on the mattress.” “Yes, Sir. Again, I’m very sorry.” While you wait, anticipating that initial sting of … Read more

Saved Up Spanking

It was Saturday and I woke up with a knot in my tummy. It was a “Save Up” week and I glanced to my night stand at my “Naughty List”. It had been a busy week for me at school and at work and, as always, I hadn’t been able to be good. As hard … Read more

Becoming the Neighborhood Whore: The Anal Training of C Pt 2

Wilson squirted a generous amount of lube onto her asshole before beginning to rim her with the tip of the dildo. The cold sensation made her tense up slightly. “Relax your muscles,” he advised her as he began to push the tip slowly inside her tight entrance. “And push out that little shithole, it will … Read more

The Spanking Stories – #2: Memento Morey

 Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day.She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket. Hell with it. She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 1)

Synopsis: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Will they eventually demand ransom from her family? Sell her into slavery? … Read more

The Neko Project [P1]

*I’ve been having trouble trying to upload this, this is my third attempt, so lets see what happens. this story will be part of a three part series, and I’m sorry to inform that there will be no sex in this part, but that is what part 2 is for, I hope you all enjoy.* … Read more

Happy Anniversary: Part 1

Hi, my name is Connor and this is a true story, probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. But before I get too much into that I guess I should give you some background info. I am 18 and about 6 foot even. I’m not like ripped but I have some muscle … Read more