Late Night Rape

A frightful storm was blowing that night. Fierce winds roaring out of the North brought sheets of rain falling from the depths of a pitch-black sky. Intermittent flashes of lightning fractured the night, revealing a strobe-light view of my room in monochrome stills. I hated being alone on a night like that. My boyfriend, Carlos, … Read more

Delayed Flight

I hear you packing in the walk-in closet. Your overhead with its leather inlays and mustard canvass with your essentials, a matching suit bag, anniversary gifts from an adoring wife. These are things which engender mixed feelings; I love you and can only barely bear you being away from me, and I am inordinately proud … Read more

Sharing Mother’s Milk

I had an interesting chat on Lit with another author one evening. It amazed me how well we connected considering having never met one another and being separated by both age and geographic distance. She shared quite a lot with me, and I with her. It was a “discussion” we had one evening that brought … Read more


.“$1,500 per day including all meals and alcohol, one of the benefits that had special appeal for them was the opportunity to fill out a form before they arrived to list any sexual preferences they had, the resort offers a matching service. They also had to email some up to date pics.” In the afterglow … Read more

Married to a monster 9

I take a quick shower and have Pari rub my back with a gentle aloe essence to help the skin heal faster. I don’t have any wounds, but I don’t want to have to make sure my husband doesn’t see anything. Paris’ gentle hands caress my back with practiced, circular movements. I know how hot … Read more


March 7 Dear Dairy, Boy it sure has been busy around here for the past month or so, Mr. Foxx, he’s my boss, has been entertaining a slew of clients and friends, it seems that someone’s always showing up at the door!!! Of course since Mr. Foxx keeps me completely naked at all times in … Read more

Married to a monster 2

You are trying not to think about fucking me as you come back home. But the dark power inside you doesn’t let you concentrate on anything else. It was waiting for too long, and now it is growling its need loudly in you.  You wanted to talk to me about this morning, but now, the way … Read more

Keep In Touch

“Here’s your pencil back.” That smirk on the boy’s face had my heart racing. The eraser tip might as well have been the barrel of a loaded gun. My privates tingled from the memory of our fingers touching during the previous exchange. I thought I managed to pass off hunching over and bleating like a … Read more

Pizza Delivery #2

“Hey Jake,” I answered my cell. “What’s up Mario? The guys want to have some pizza tonight, can you deliver?”, he asked. “I ‘ll be happy to,” I said, “what time? I work 4:30 – 8:30.” “That’s great, how about dinner around 7, can you do it? We need to prepare the “topping”, you know…and … Read more

Stalked & Raped: Part 3

There is something about exposure that shames me. Being wide open infront of someone makes me automatically cover up…if I can. It’s not that I think of myself as unattractive-no not at all. I have a beautiful body, ripe and soft . But It’s the fact of being exposed and someone looking at private bare … Read more

The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch-1 part 11

Rare Lascivious English Classic. this is a book written by an English gentleman of considerable wit, command of the language, and imagination of Rabelaisian order. Erotic as are the tales, they are far from being filthy, while a plot of thrilling interest runs throughout the work, binding all the stories together..The book ‘The Adventures of … Read more


We also had to email some up to date pics, we sent two up to date pics, one of us front on, naked holding hands, my man flaunting a boner, me in heels, then a second pic, me with my back to the camera, flaunting my big ass. “We made a list of of some … Read more