Wrong Place To Cross

Cori couldn’t believe her luck, on the road for a solid week and no problems. Now this asshole of a border guard is telling her she can’t cross into Canada because of a little bullshit assault charge. As he drones on an on,all she’s thinking s ‘I got to get across, Brit is waiting for … Read more

Golden Lust Ch.03

Finally the weekend has come. No class today, so I get some time to myself, and can hopefully relax. Reflecting over the events from the past couple of days, I still can’t believe the things I’ve shamefully done. My big sister Samantha discovered my deepest hidden fetish of girls peeing, via the stash of photos … Read more

Hot Pregnant Neighbor

My neighbor Maegan came out on her balcony seeing me sitting out there “It was a nice day today?” She had the most beautiful crystal blue eyes I had ever seen. But she was a beautiful woman who cut hair for a living at one of the sexy barber shops. She had on a half … Read more

Fun times with Romy

My name is Matt, I am 18 years old. I’m just your ordinary boy with blonde hair and glasses. Some may call me a nerd but I disagree. I just finished my training in the gym and quickly went to the changing rooms to fresh up. As soon as the shower turned on I heard … Read more

Step Daughter #4 – Part 2

Part two. I left for work the next day fully anticipating my thoughts about what the evening would bring and into the weekend with her sleeping over and now her friend. As mentioned in part one, the friend is African-American and a complete knockout. I got home around four and they were already in the … Read more

making of a damaged man part 1

The Making of a Damaged Man • This is my first story. The first part will have little to no sex as I am going to start with a back story which is based on my life. The events that I will be writing about have happened to me. The names will be changed to … Read more

Casino Cuckolding

The bartender came over and placed my drink on the bar in front of me. “Charge it to your room Sir?” “Yes please, Room 3205.” I replied. I took a sip of my Manhattan and glanced at my watch. 2:15 pm, probably a little early to be drinking a Manhattan but I had just walked … Read more

It Started At The Pool – Part 4

It Started At The Pool – Part 4 I you haven’t read the first three installments, you might want to do so to get the background of what has transpired with Greg, Cindy, her daughter Jen, and her friend Diane. Part 4 finds Cindy and Greg are in Bermuda at a boutique hotel just outside … Read more

My Nieghbour Hot Bomb

My Neighbour travels quite frequently on business and leaves her wife home alone. I don’t know if things just happen to break while dad is gone, or she waits until then to call me. Sometimes he will call me in advance to go fix something at their house, telling me how long he will be … Read more

Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt. 3

That night we drove home, giggling and reminiscing about everything that happened earlier. Emily was clearly a little nervous that Bruce might find out, but I think she trusted that Scott would keep his mouth closed… he had a lot to lose too if Bruce were to find out that Scott had fucked his wife … Read more

Sealed Fate

Evening of 23 April 2008 11:30, Lu Yuqiao aged 19 lured the victim Qinmou aged 47 to a hotel room for supposed sex, then quietly notify He Zhikun aged 25, her boyfriend and accomplice to come to the hotel. Pretending to be her husband He Zhikun attempted to extort Qinmou. When the victim refused to … Read more

The Island Part Two

The Island Part Two I somehow fell asleep, between the hard palm next to me and Josh to my left, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it wasn’t raining anymore. The sun was just starting to rise on the horizon. Josh was still sleeping next to me. His head was resting next to the … Read more

It Started At The Pool

It Started At The Pool Since my divorce (7 years ago) I’ve been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I’ve been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I’m in with a wonderful woman I met at the … Read more

Anything for money (2)

The next week Simon eagerly returned, the promise of the 70 dollars occupying him all day. When he entered the studio, Steve handed him an envelope with the money, which the boy gladly accepted. “I really need some more cash, I’ve barely eaten since yesterday. Is there anything else I can do?” He asked. Steve … Read more

Sara Paylan R.N.

I had just started working at the local Seniors Home. I had finished my RN diploma & got hired immediately. In less than 6 months I had gone from casual to full time employment. I worked nights from 11 pm to 7 am & liked it a lot. We had 10 residents, 5 men & … Read more

Stringing Up Sandi

Cultivating a target takes time. Months of planning, surveillance, endless details. They say the hunt is better than the catch, they haven’t seen my catches. My current target was Sandi, the first test of a revised approach to my little hobby. She’s a little older – mid 50s – which brought significant advantages. No kids … Read more

The St. Francis of Assisi Group Home

Friday, March 24th Dear Mom and Dad, I’m doing fine at the girl’s home, and this is an amazing facility. We must have a really great doctor to even know about it! I’m here with 12 other young women at the moment, but sometimes there’s more and sometimes less, depending. Sometimes there’s older women who … Read more

Golden Lust Ch.06

It’s really amazing how quickly things can change. I never would’ve imagined, that my life could get this turned this upside-down in such a short amount of time. Ever since beginning my life attending our local State University, living & sharing a quiet apartment with my big sister Samantha was great until… that fateful day, … Read more