The After Seeding A second wave (5)

The After Seeding A second wave (5) ————————————————————————————————————– John, Mitch, Helen, Millie and little Mica were all somewhat worried though it had been 2 weeks, they knew that a major confrontation wasn’t far away. John had been through all of the 6 oldest daughters, 3 had turned up pregnant surprisingly Ava, Canella and Elly the … Read more

The After Seeding A second wave (4)

The After Seeding second wave (4) ———————————————————————————————————- John was a little more than pissed off, the Triacarian had tried to hurt his precious Millie with no regard to her or anything else. The fact that he’d also threatened to kill the Miacarie that John was carrying also incited he to no end. John had finally … Read more

Solomon’s Daughters: Risa’s and Kylie’s Chapter

Solomon’s Daughters: Risa’s and Kylie’s Chapter This is the ninth chapter in the Solomon’s Daughters series. These are not stand alone stories so if you are starting anywhere but at the first chapter then you may not understand some of the references and won’t have descriptions for most of the character. Risa’s and Kylie’s Chapter … Read more

The Maintenance Man another repair 3

Mark docked the shuttle as fast as he could, he’d been taking readings all the way back to King Rufus’s planet. It had only been 5 days since he’d talked and given the plans to the leader of the Imperial Space fleet, if he’d listened to Mark then the first ships should be there soon. … Read more

The Aftermath 6

Mary was hot and sweaty, she’d worked almost all day to get the first of the three reactivatable reactors clear. Even with the help of the anti-grav units it had been hard going, she decided she just might kill Jim after all, she did NOT like to perspire and she wasn’t about to ask a … Read more

Sam 26

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Even as Sam’s eyes narrowed, his mind starting to push, he was shocked when he started to receive images. Images of a beautiful, tranquil, peaceful word. Suddenly one of the arachnid beings started to groan, please stop I can’t take much more. Sam immediately slammed … Read more

Sam 27

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Sam was again reaching out, feeling the powerful Tetricon as it accelerated away. He wasn’t sure just who this was, he’d already met the four new minds. He could tell it wasn’t the doctor, a small smile came to his lips. It also had a … Read more

Sam 24

Sam was still smiling when he felt Queen Triada’s thoughts. {Are you well? We felt a great evil advancing upon the planet. Though, it seems that you reacted far faster than any of the triad could. Surprised Sam replied, {I’d have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up … Read more

The Maintenance Man another repair 4

Mark’s anger hadn’t dampened the least bit, he could feel the heat of it coursing through his body. Walking out of the make shift control/war room, Mark went through his bag finding his comp. Activating it he waited for a few minutes till the face of the Imperial Space force leader appeared on it. “How … Read more


It had really been a bad day for Alan, his wife had kicked his ass out of the house, literally kicked his ass as he was leaving slamming the door in his face. Only an hour before that he received a call that his job had laid him off. The fact that he’d gotten most … Read more