Galactic Vendetta Chapter 04 the twin’s story

Warning this other chapters of this story contains edge themes like murder, rape, and slavery. This chapter features scenes of incest as well. If you don’t like, stories with these leave now. All sexually active, characters are over 18. Galactic Vendetta part 04. Part A, The Twins’ story This story takes place six years before … Read more

Amy’s Second Attack

Thanks for the suggestions from last story. I did make some changes in this continuation piece of Amy’s Rape, but this chapter wasn’t thought out to be “that type” of chapter. I wanted to present characters and a little background. Becky’s story is next and will be more graphic. Oh, and it’s a story, as … Read more

Deal with the Devil – A Halloween Story

Normally Estevan loved Halloween. It was his favorite holiday. He had watched it change through the centuries from a yearly cultic purification of hearth and fire as practiced by the Celts; to a harvest festival as practiced by the Romans when they took the festival back to the Mediterranean area; to a children’s night of … Read more

You Will Welcome Death

Some may remember sitting in a darkened room, watching Rod Serling’s “Night Gallery.” Each episode began with an unusual painting, about which Mr. Serling would deliver a brief monolog, something along these lines: “Consider, if you will, what may be the most well-known and oft-copied works of a man named Henry Fuseli, scholar, man of … Read more

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 – Campus Raid

Start at Chapter 1! Links to all my stories and more chapters to this story in comments. DISCLAIMERS I’m just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn’t sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to … Read more

Taylor Swift Goes to ‘That Stupid Club’

31 December 2016 Taylor Swift couldn’t wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 7: The Carrot and The Sword

Sigurd cleared his throat loudly a short distance away. Gently, I laid the girl’s head on the wooden planks and stood. Sigrid’s back was turned as he busied himself rifling through a basket of goods. “What is it, Sigurd?” “My Lord,” he responded, turning towards me. He must surely have seen and heard what had … Read more

Awakenings 6

Awakenings 6 ————————————————————— Tahir awoke in his bed with a start. How did he get there? The last thing he remembered was appearing next to Kim, then he awoke here. Kim was laying next to him, she had been awake for a few hours watching over him. Reaching over he pulled her close to snuggle … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 4: The Beach

Chapter 4: The Beach Alena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena … Read more

Devilish cruelty

It all started when my wife and I were watching television one night; it was one of those police detective shows that proliferate across the weekly viewing, in this one the villain had a sadistic kink and was capturing young girls and tormenting them. We watched it through and then went off to bed. We … Read more

Strong Again Ch. 2

It seemed as if they were never going to stop, the blonde man wasn’t concerned. This was nothing compared to the days in the saddle he’d done before. He kept a sharp lookout where they were going, a hell of a lot deeper into the badlands that was for sure. The whole way, the blonde … Read more

Sam 32

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day —————————— Sam was heading away from the IP world as fast as he could. Thankfully the draining had stopped and the sun was getting him back to feeling normal. A look at the fleet showed that the wave that he and Thantas had used knocked … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 2: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Storm After that first sparring match on the third day, I made a point of talking with Emmy at least once a day. Sometimes it was for only a minute, sometimes it was for a half an hour. Sometimes we talked about her life, about Viking culture, and about … Read more