Cool Spring Nights (Part 1: A Family Finds Love)

Cool Spring Nights (Part 1: A Family Finds Love) It was the sound of our garbage can being knocked over onto the sidewalk that woke me up on this cool spring night. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 2:17am it glowed. I lay in bed staring at the clock thinking of a … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 24

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR 8TH FRIDAY Mike feels all warm and tingly. Soft azure eyes regard him under arched brows of gold. She massages his manhood as her luscious lips curve up in invitation. She wiggles her pert nose and leans forward to run her tongue across his chest, circling first one nipple and then the other. … Read more

A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch. 8

Ephus – A demigod possessing the power to repower the gods Quinn Markov – human wife of Ephus ———————————– Norse Deities ————– Odin – War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya – a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Frigg – Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and … Read more

Debt to pay : Chapter 1

This is chapter 1 of the Debt to pay story. This Chapter went much longer then I intended, I will try to scale back the next chapters. Currently I plan to add 4-5 more chapters but, it might go longer than that, depending on how much I can shorten them. Please comment and message me … Read more

The Daily Grind

“So, what do you think of Riley?” Corbin had taken the new employee on the grand tour, and they had just left the girl’s office. “She seems super nice,” Roy said. “Everybody does so far.” Shame he didn’t remember anyone else’s name. Riley would probably stick, though, being the only girl he’d met today. “Do … Read more

A Ghostly Haunting-Chapter One

Ashley Logan walked around the outside of the old house that her parents were thinking of buying. The Real Estate Agent said that a Lieutenant who had served in the Revolutionary war had built it back in 1796. The guy’s name was John Selmer. He had built the three story, five-bedroom house for his wife … Read more

The Fucking Flowers

Reader: This is a short story about a nightmare that I have had a few times in my life and just had a recurrence last night. It is always the same and it always scares the crap out of me. It is quite bizarre and while extremely sexual it is not that erotic, at least … Read more

(revised) The Forgotten Heroes

***writers notes: this is a revised version of what is one of my frequently asked stories. Some things have been changed from the original so even early fans and new readers can enjoy it. I simply am posting the first Chapter to get feed back since the main site refused to publish my stories for … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 1

I was always told family was everything through the good and bad times. When my mother Maggie gave birth to me it was a day that started everything in my life. I was born with bright blue eyes and red hair. I don’t remember my birth, but I do have bits and pieces of my … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 2: First Harvest

Chapter 2: First Harvest There were still a few hours before first light when we arrived in the woods outside the town. I had already sent Baldar and Inger ahead to neutralize the land-ward sentries. They appeared like ghosts out of the darkness. Inger grinned evilly, her hair slick with the blood of her victim, … Read more

Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime: Tomi Lahren

You’ve heard about it in the news once and not after because the White House’s inside team will make sure nothing about it is leaked out to the press. This is one of the many dirty secrets that have never been allowed to leave the ‘Führerbunker’…until now. Guest-starring perverted middle-aged politicians from the Trump Administration. … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 1: Interlude

Chapter 1: Interlude Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone … Read more

Intro – A Quick Raid_(1)

It wasn’t the cleanest raid I’d ever led. Rolf, that rookie bastard, made a huge racket killing one of the sentries. The idiot had stabbed her instead of slashing her throat, and her scream echoed up and down the beach before she was finally silenced. Confused villagers drifted out of their homes and milled about … Read more

Circus if Darkness 2

Dahlia ran through the house screaming. Wearing a grey blouse and a matching grey miniskirt with a pair of white running shoes the blonde girl screamed in horror having just seen her boyfriend, Tim, stabbed repeatedly and torn to prices by undead monstrous clowns. Now she didn’t know where she was running. She didn’t care. … Read more

Vampire Seduction 3

With rage still pulsing through his body, he glared at the nurse. He now had all the answers to the feelings he had be experiencing. Where the answers came from he did not know but, he understood what his purpose was now. He was a killer, nothing more, a blood sucking, life taking, night walking … Read more