Bk 1, Ch 4: The Beach

Chapter 4: The Beach Alena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena … Read more

Devilish cruelty

It all started when my wife and I were watching television one night; it was one of those police detective shows that proliferate across the weekly viewing, in this one the villain had a sadistic kink and was capturing young girls and tormenting them. We watched it through and then went off to bed. We … Read more

Strong Again Ch. 2

It seemed as if they were never going to stop, the blonde man wasn’t concerned. This was nothing compared to the days in the saddle he’d done before. He kept a sharp lookout where they were going, a hell of a lot deeper into the badlands that was for sure. The whole way, the blonde … Read more

Sam 32

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day —————————— Sam was heading away from the IP world as fast as he could. Thankfully the draining had stopped and the sun was getting him back to feeling normal. A look at the fleet showed that the wave that he and Thantas had used knocked … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 2: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Storm After that first sparring match on the third day, I made a point of talking with Emmy at least once a day. Sometimes it was for only a minute, sometimes it was for a half an hour. Sometimes we talked about her life, about Viking culture, and about … Read more

Even a Demon has needs…

John was, without a doubt, one of the luckiest men to ever live. Here he was, driving down Route 101 along the Pacific Coast in a convertible and a beautiful woman. He looked over at his new wife, Sherry, and smiled. She was stunning, and not just because he loved her. She was tall but … Read more

the great war 3033 part 2

When Jack had just finished on the shooting range when “Jack how are you able to fire that weapon every one that has fired that weapons has been ether burned from the inside out or they were just killed out right.” Jack now noticed that he had been Found out and just said” I picked … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 6: War and Peace

I took a seat at the foot of the stage, exhausted. In front of me lay a middle-aged man wearing a cloak of embroidered gold. I figured he was probably the village lord. His spine was crooked and an arm and both legs were broken. No doubt he had been trampled to death in the … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 11

CHAPTER ELEVEN 3RD FRIDAY Mike gets up at four and Nina wakes so he’s pleasantly delayed getting away to pick up Trudy until five. It’s twenty after six when he pulls up to her door. She comes bouncing out and says, “You want my help you’ve got to give up these morning pieces of tail … Read more

Sexy Shenanigans of the Trump Regime: Hope Hicks

It was the kind of black tie event that is mandatory for the power elite in Washington. The ambassador to Iran was celebrating a new economic treaty and high-ranking officials from the multi-national corporations benefiting most were in attendance. Politicians who rely on contributions from the big companies were working the floor and trying to … Read more

The Man In The Grey Suit – The Candle

It was snowing when he closed up shop. He looked up into the grey sky, trying not to feel anything. The snow always reminded him of Julie. Just another reason to hate this time of year. He shook his head and yanked the gates over the glass doors with a bit more force than necessary, … Read more

A Family At Odds Chapter 11 Final?

Two weeks went by and in those two weeks there was a few incidents that occurred and even threats by a few people Karl knew well. The first was a few days after Karl was arrested. Seems some one mistook someone as my father and ran into his bike. The biker only had a few … Read more

The Creators: Book Two, Chapter 6

Chapter Six: Holy Mother Part One: Cataclysm ANGELA The world had fallen away. There was only his consuming lips and tasting tongue, his pressing chest and rubbing crotch, his exploring hands and squeezing fingers. I gave myself wholly to him, and would’ve consummated the act without a second thought, but Brandon had the wherewithal to … Read more

Awakenings 8

Awakenings 8 —————————————————————————————- Natasha was bored, the doctor had totted on for the last 4 days, how great he was and that this plan would finally pay that traitor Tahir, back for all the pain he had put the doctor through. Natasha didn’t really care all she wanted was to get Tahir in bed, if … Read more

Biker Vets Lose a Righteous Brother

Rick woke to find himself naked and alone in the middle of what appeared to him to be an A-Team encampment. He recognized the encompassing mountainous terrain as being very similar to that of the central highlands, a geographical region around Pleiku in the former Republic of Viet-Nam. The encampment was surrounded by wire and … Read more

Strong Again Ch. 3

The boss for the mission approached the large mansion type building. This was going to be dangerous; the big boss didn’t take to kindly to being interrupted. He just hoped that the news he had didn’t get him gutted, shot or hung. It all depended just how foul of a mood the big boss was … Read more