
Thousand upon thousands of feet stomped on the ground above. Titan could picture the huge dust cloud that must be covering the landscape above as hundreds of men and women struggling to push against the tide entering the colosseum. The shouts of the crowd outside travel down into the pits below. Titan eyes the fresh … Read more

Musical Urge

So I like football. I like seeing a bunch of guys ramming into each other at full force. I suppose I just like violence. My dad thinks that’s worrisome, says someone at my age shouldn’t be that into physical pain. I don’t know what his problem is. I’m already twelve! But that day that we, … Read more

Snuff Letter – Erotic Murder Investigation

I step into the apartment which shows traces of violent struggle. Trash and broken furniture lie along the walls. I walk further into the apartment and feel the smell the dead pussy. It is a sweet and heavy smell and my cock hardens as the scent gets stronger. Whoever has died seems to have emptied … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 3: Destruction

Chapter 3: Destruction It was time. As much as I would have liked to watch the ritual’s conclusion, we needed to attack while the townsfolk were distracted and their backs still turned. The shaman raised a steaming bowl of guts above his head and the crowd cheered in response. I raised my arm up and … Read more

Daniel Wolf part 7

Chapter 12 Part 7 I awoke and looked around. I was nestled in a nest of soft grass. I reached to my chest and discovered the arrow no longer protruded from my chest. Also it was bandaged with a crude bandage. I looked around and was shocked by what I saw. My jaw almost hit … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 3: The Stage is Set

Chapter 3: The Stage is Set It was day sixteen. Before me lay the beach, the water some two hundred paces away. Dozens and dozens of ships crowded the fjord, each packed full of warriors. Blue-green banners flapped gently above furled sails, emblazoned with a white tower castle. Hundreds and hundreds of spearheads glistened in … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 8: Cleaning House

Chapter 8: Cleaning House From the steps of the warrior hall, I watched a red-headed girl writhe until her body heaved and her struggle ceased. It was too bad really—from where I stood, the girl looked very pretty. Well, no sense crying over spilt milk. Even with the help of the townsfolk, the task of … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 21

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE 7TH MONDAY Mike’s early enough to help Trudy get Crystal off to school. Then they set out for POCO and Rita Harrison. Trudy is all primed to work on her. Mike says, “What did you find to do yesterday?” “I finished another list of skip tracing for a finance company in Chilliwack. It’s … Read more

Death while on duty

Author’s notes: Hiya! I’m feeding into my cravings to write, and as such, this story is made up completely on the spot. If anything sounds familiar, it’s coincidental. This story will not be erotic, so if you’re looking to beat your meat, do it to another story! (Unless you enjoy death – in which case, … Read more

Sexual Shenanigans of Boris Johnson’s Regime: Matt Hancock

My wife Gina Coladangelo was a beautiful, tall, 43 yr old blonde who had an insatiable appetite for sex. So what’s the problem say? Even though I still had the hots for her after 11 years of marriage; I couldn’t keep her satisfied. I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she … Read more

Life of A Mafia Wife

Being a mafia wife isn’t as glamorous as you see in the movies. Fuck no. I’m Belinda and my good fella husband is Carlo. We’re a young couple, a bambino on the yeah I’m 3 months preggers and showing it. So I never want for anything, but there are always complications. Like what happened last … Read more

War Of Love

This story is more of a story then anything eles. It does have a sex scene at the end but if your looking for a story with a whole lot of sex, this is not it. Hope you like it. “…And the gangs are getting worse. More violent then before, houses are being broken into … Read more

Youth Stolen

Heather lay in wait, concealed from the little dirt trail by a stand of bushes. A black ski-mask covered her wide smile as he heard the patter of footsteps drawing near. Just minutes earlier her friend Melissa had texted Heather saying how happy she was to have her daughter, Kelly, home from college for the … Read more