
This is my first attempt at writing any kind of story. That being said i know there will be mistakes and i apologize in advance. I tried to catch all the spelling and grammer errors but im sure i missed a few. I know this is for the most part an erotic stories site and … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 6: After Party

The problem, I reflected, was always bodies. Sub-Commander Bernette had quickly explained the situation to her warriors. Subdued but nonetheless motivated by the desire to help their fallen comrades, the surviving Arkadians quickly surrendered their weapons and formed teams to assist the wounded. None moved to escape. But motivation was not enough. So few survivors … Read more

The tales of Baron Von Herrmann Part 1

EThe Beginning : April 14th 1912 The long table could seat twenty five.Often when the Von Herrmann’s were entertaining it did.Usually it was a party of four.Since the Baron and Baroness had been away on holiday it had seated just two.Their offspring Alessandra and Paul.There was no love lost between the siblings.They detested each other … Read more

The Chair_(1)

“NO! STOP! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING! THIS IS CRAZY!” Amanda wailed as she struggled in the electric chair. “Even if you did know anything it doesnt really matter at this point. We already have the information we needed, it turns out it was your sister Lacy who we needed this entire time!” Doll exclaimed as … Read more

Bride of the Monster

“Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave, trying to animate lifeless clay?” -Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein” *** It started with the skin. Elsa would stay up all night looking at it. Sometimes she got so close that Elizabeth, sleeping next to her in bed, … Read more

Can We Survive Moe’s Story

Can we survive VII Moe’s story cont. Ralph and Toni were talking with a disheveled, I think it is a man. What ever, it was dirty. Ralph came over… Moe this dirt pile says her name is JuJu. You almost rode in on their camp there are three adults and 5 kids all one family. … Read more

Mike’s Pet: Meat

I met the cutest guy at the club last Saturday night. His name’s Mike. We really hit it off. Now, I don’t usually go back to a guy’s place when we first meet, but he was really cute, and wouldn’t take my number, saying it’s either now or never. I didn’t want to miss my … Read more

DEMON Part 4

The repeated knocking woke me up. Was it Jayce again? I didn’t need his bullshit this early in the morning. I threw the covers over and stepped out of bed, grabbed my glasses, and approached the door. “Oh, it’s you.” I was relieved it wasn’t Jayce asking for more money. It was Max, that sweetheart … Read more

The Lady of Death, part 2

…continued from part 1 Ralph, the coroner, was there waiting pacing impatiently in the mortuary. In route to the morgue; the young morgue attendant notified that he had two bodies in the van. as the hearse pulled into the carport. Two stainless steel autopsy tables were made available and the two body bags were brought … Read more

The deadly body of Taki

Atop a large, Oriental-style rooftop a human shape was crouched, yet concealed by the coming darkness of the evening. Taki, the best kunoichi of the Fu-Ma clan was on a mission to kill, again. A ruthless warlord in the north of Honshu has been making the lives of common people a misery, and what’s worse, … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 24

The rest of the day was full of all my kids pulling me here and there to see all that they could see. Even though they all wanted to ride the adult rides they had to deal with the kiddie ones. As the afternoon grew to evening it was time to meet up with the … Read more

The Exsanguinator

If the word Dolcett is not know to you then have a look at his stuff online before your read this. It’s a work of fiction and should obly be viewed in that light. If any of the themes offend please do not continue. The Exsanguinator I dialled the number and a male voice answered … Read more

Vampire Seduction 4

Justin laid in his bed thinking of Jill. His mind raced of what to do with her, it was her fault he was now a vampire. If she had not thrown him out of her apartment he would not have tried some stupid scheme to get her back, which is how he ended up in … Read more

Not Got A Name Update!!

*So I’m dead, Yeah that sucks* My first words as a dead person and they’re what I choose, What kind of lame idiot am I, I should of said something much better like sweet i’m dead time to have some fun Yes I did just sort of accept the fact that I no longer had … Read more

The Rape of Odessa

Evgeniya and Alina had grown up in Donbas. They had both been very talented at an early young age and both had aspired to become famous entertainers. They both grew into attractive young women who were adored by the audiences in the clubs in Donbas. Alina, the leader of the pair had an unusually big … Read more

Crystal Moves Forward

Crystal Moves Forward It had been three years since Crystal made Kristina her sexual sex slave and the mind controlling drugs and the occasional electro shocks had taken their toll. The other day while Crystal was having oral sex with her, Kristina’s bladder empty itself involuntarily. Crystal was so enraged and she ended up kicking … Read more