A father’s ultimate sacrifice

When you become a parent, it’s a no-brainer that you’ll do anything and everything in your power to protect your children. Throughout most of your child’s life, that time never comes (except in certain situations, of course), and you pray it never comes, because you want to keep your child safe no matter what the … Read more

Strangled Co-ed

Kristin Matthews was a 19 year old sophomore at a large university in California. She was 5’7″ tall, with brown hair and gray eyes. She lived just off campus in an older complex of townhouse apartments. On this particular Tuesday; she had attended her normal schedule of classes followed by a lab. After the lab; … Read more

Killing My Wife and Disposing Of her Corpse

My wife and I had a very interesting conversation recently one evening. She had seen a movie on LMN where a husband killed his wife and disposed of her body. Since she knows I’m into crime shows and scenarios like that and watch them all the time on ID and am into stranglings and snuff/necro; … Read more

Wonderous Age of Woman-part 1

The rather inaudible sound of boots landing on the roof was the first sign of impending disaster that would befall the male occupants of a scientific research centre housing technology that could be dangerous if weaponized, it was the prime target for a group of terrorists/mercenaries. They had managed to swiftly take the compound over, … Read more

The Short Sexual History of Coora, a Slave

The Short Sexual History of Coora – A Slave. Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, … Read more

Death Province

Everything came to focus slow, a concrete room with one door and a table with tools. The door slowly opened, to which 3 soldiers walked through. The last soldier through spoke to the other two in Russian, I could only surmise that he was telling them to stand guard outside the door. After they left … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All 3: Machoke used Submission!

The town known as Azalea was in its final hours of existence as a populated settlement. The fate of its inhabitants was sealed, because a Machoke with an insatiable drive to kill had taken over, having evolved during a battle following an attempted takeover by Team Rocket. He was taller than many humans and perfectly … Read more

Mya’s Scent

Start from the beginning. …I was at an art gallery with my friend Steve and his girlfriend Christine. It was the debut of a mutual friend’s exhibit. He’d taken to painting crude depicitions of life around the city, looking like something a kid would draw with chalk on a suburban sidewalk. It was shitty, to … Read more

Avenging Sara

My name is Tom Wright. I grew up in Westlake, Ohio, and graduated from Westlake Highschool last month, the day before my 18th birthday. I’m writing this letter to try and explain what really happened over the weekend, because the news has almost all of it wrong. I don’t expect you to understand or agree … Read more


The blonde woman sat in darkness, taking occasional drags from a menthol cigarette that she had been nursing for at least 10 minutes. “Hm…” The blonde woman sighed while looking at her cell phone, 2 : 59 a.m. The blonde woman sighed again loudly and muttered to herself “can’t for once they be early? They … Read more

Holiday Short Stories

Tastes like Chicken —————————– I stumbled down the street my guts feeling as if they were being ripped apart, the night street lights hardly providing adequate light, the worst thing was my hunger had grown to monstrous new heights. Where was that idiot of a wife of mine? I’d starve to death before she ever … Read more

I move to canada

I woke up to the sound of pounding on my door. I quickly rushed to the door to find two police officers standing there with a dreadful look on their faces, one of them was an old family friend, the other I didn’t know. I let them into my cramped apartment and brought us all … Read more

KB and Me_(0)

The following story is true, and accurate, as best to my recollection. If it was fiction, it would have had a much happier ending. “What are your intentions with my mom?’ Those were some of the first words I can recall hearing from the beautiful 10 year old. Looking deep into her steel blue eyes, … Read more

Vampire Aliens Rape Nuns

Vampire Aliens Rape Nuns While the cloaked alien mother ship lands in a large clearing adjacent a convent the captain a beautiful redhead with green sparkling eyes turns to her 1st mate and utters a few words. “This is a favorable planet for us to conquer, I am hungry for some holy blood from these … Read more

A Night in Latia

Latia was a real busty woman with size 38C breast and a fat ass. She had long silky legs and skin with coal black hair that came down to her shoulders. Latia had a big smile that could light up a dark room with azure eyes. The only thing she loved more the sucking me … Read more

Memories of a Mortician Part 7:Skewered Expectations

SKEWERED EXPECTATIONS Year: 1989 Name: K.L. Age: 25 Cause of Death: Internal bleeding caused by punctured liver and spleen. Other Injuries: Puncture mark in lower left abdomen. Sewn up C-Section scar in lower abdomen Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Case Notes: A young pregnant woman was at a poolside barbeque with her … Read more