Awkward Situations 2

It’s been way too long since I continued where I left off in Awkward Situations 1. I’m sorry to all those who’ve been waiting for a sequel since earlier this year. I promise, I’ll try to update regularly from now on. Cheers! ———————————————————————————————————————————————– As Mico freshened up in the bathroom after our long trip, I … Read more

Facility For Helping suicidal People

To start off, the facility is created to take the cases of people who have been in treatment for wanting to take their own life for a long time, or in and out of places for such treatment, such that they’re considered to be unlikely to want to live from any amount of traditional help. … Read more

War Snuff – Death of Officer Yoko

Caleb was covering behind Officer Yoko as the enemies kept firing on the bunker. The rest of the squad was dead and he found himself surrounded by the stiff corpses of his female comrades. The enemy neuro darts had found their way into their mommy bits and many of the dead women still clutched their … Read more

Mindy’s European Dream

Mindy’s European Dream Krystal had been acting nervous for several weeks and Mindy was becoming concerned for her. Krystal had always been level headed and never let emotions show. Their business of making snuff videos for a very discreet and private list of clientele was always protected and secure and they had made a fortune … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 27

Writer’s Note’s: Due to real life this will be the last post for about a few weeks due to Internet. So once I have Internet again I will post the next chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now I give you Chapter 27. Mandy’s POV: “ Jasmine and everyone I would like to introduce our father … Read more

Godrick’s Story

“Sir? Sir? I have news about Project X.” Colonel Redding sat at the security desk, laying back in the chair, eyes darting from t.v to t.v trying to see how on earth Project X escaped. He’d been doing this for over an hour now, ever since at 0100 hours he escaped. At 0300 hours they … Read more

After the medication. by

The headaches began when I was younger. I had been told to take my medication daily, but as I grew up I began taking them less and less. I had stopped taking any of my medication a couple of weeks ago and I have felt fine. I met a lovely girl, long red hair, green … Read more

Coming of age_(3)

The room seemed almost surreal to her now. As she lay on her bed, drifting in the narcotic haze of the pills, she could almost feel the air around her, a liquid like water-thick and unyielding. The room was growing darker, and she was finding it more and more difficult to breathe. The pain was … Read more


Another one dead, and papers had given the murderer a name, but no one was using it yet. The police still called him “The Whitechapel killer,” and the people on the streets called him just “the killer.” Nothing more was needed. Almost everyone found time on their walking commute that morning (some leaving home to … Read more

Sarah Bryant: A real life fighter

Sarah Bryant was going home from yet another day at college, when she heard screams. Running over to find out what was happening, the blonde student found two criminals tearing off the clothes of a fellow female student while kicking a downed male all over his body. At first shocked, Sarah soon broke into a … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

It was a very emotional Christmas morning between Adam and Allison as both began to come together as twins. The family looked on noticing that bright smile that Adam always showed from time to time. Karen and Lindsey on the other hand were inseparable. Both clung to each other just as sisters would. The boys … Read more

the warrior revenge chapter 1

Warrior Revenge (This is my second story and I made story better and more interesting and please comment below hope this story entertains you.) (This is important, read this) There in the time of the dark ages there was a brave and tuff warrior, some thought he was their savoir sent from the gods others … Read more

Derrick’s Revenge 1: Sam and Whitney

Disclaimer: The following story is graphic and extreme, featuring disfigurement, incest, rape and a whole host of other perversions that would offend ordinary senses. I would never do anything in this story to anyone, but a little fantasy now and then isn’t a bad thing. If you don’t like that sort of thing, though, you … Read more

Daniel Wolf part 2

Daniel Wolf Part 2 Jessup Cat 3 A great wizard bred and crossbred cats and humans until he had a crossbreed of a human cat. He did this so a Wizard could have a familiar that he could trust implicitly . Genus Jessup Cat: Bred from mixtures of assorted cats mixed with Human DNA. The … Read more