Big ass mexican wife drunk

Last night my wife of 10 years, Dee and I went out for drinks. She is a 30 year old mexican women with a great big latina ass. She is 5’9 and about 200lbs with most of it in her fat ass culo. She has dark skin and average size breasts, about a bigger C. … Read more

A surprise to remember pt 2

As her eyes rolled at the rush of her own bodily juices gushing from her body covering every inch of this mystery man’s hard thick black 9 inch cock with her white creamy love milk. Kay is trying to make sense of what just occurred. Her body trembling uncontrollably, legs shaking, and her thighs quivering … Read more


He was born a six weeks premature to John and April McSweeney. They called him Christopher Allen. All through his younger years he was the smallest kid in the neighborhood, and then in school. His mother said that he’d grow, and he did. Mostly. But he was always behind the other boys in his world. … Read more

A Wife’s Fantasy

Allessandra lay awake in their bed. Thoughts raced through her head. The one idea that kept returning was, what’s wrong with me? Alessandra had always found older men attractive. The man lying next to her was over 20 years her senior. She cared for him deeply, and he adored her. He had provided her with … Read more

Slipping 4

Chapter 21: “Go ahead. Open them, baby.” I was standing in the spare room, where daddy had apparently been stockpiling presents for a while. There were about thirty boxes of all shapes and sizes, all wrapped in different kinds of paper. “Daddy…? It’s not my birthday…” “I know, sweetie. They’re not birthday presents. And… Most … Read more


OOPS 2 I stood in the doorway of the shower looking at my two Nathans on our bed with both of them sporting erections and chatting away nonchalantly. I had a lot to think about but my reverie was interrupted by a whimper from my baby girls room so I hurried past them and out … Read more

Young Wife Admits Raunchy Old Man Sex Is Hot To Her Husband

Twenty one years old Mike and his nineteen year old wife Amanda are High school sweet hearts. They moved into a spacious apartment just after getting married. They worked hard through the week and always let loose and had fun on the weekends. They had what they thought was kinky and fun sex life. Until … Read more

Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt.6

We arrived at ‘Adore Boutique’ and walked inside… it was a nice place with what appeared to be a lot of variety. It appeared we were the only customers in the store, and the guy behind the counter (who I assumed was the husband) walked up and asked us if we needed any help. He … Read more

The holiday that changed our lives – Chapter 8 & 9: The Plumber cums & The Old Man cums back

Chapter 8: The Plumber cums About twenty minutes to three, Margaret called me to ensure her love receptacle was clean and fresh ready for the plumber. It wasn’t – it hadn’t been for most of this week as she couldn’t stop gushing, not that I minded the clean-up duties! [In case you’ve starting reading this … Read more


Chapter 1 “The Beginning” Tom roughly grabbed the back of my head, holding my face tight against his groin. As he slid further into my throat, causing me to gag some. My tongue rapidly caressing the underside of his rigid cock. “Oh, fuck. I’m going to cum,” he moaned. His verbal cue was hardly necessary … Read more

Joan Part 5

My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I’m working, Joan scouts for sexual adventures for us. My next business trip was to Cancun Mexico. Cancun offers many different experiences. There’s a wild spring break scene, fine all-inclusive resorts, nude beach resorts and many fine restaurants. My business was at an … Read more

Epic Cuckold Sequel – The Unwanted Houseguest_(3)

You may message me to get the first 26 chapters. However, let me at least explain the setting and characters: Setting: Urban Bangalore, India, modern times. Main characters: – Manu – the main character, a ~30 year man. The story is mostly told from Manu’s perspective. – Kavita – Manu’s beautiful wife who has a … Read more


On the drive home she had listened in while my lady Sarah told me,“That was an amazing experience, your arrangements were very exciting. An incredible tongue fuck for me while you watched, and a blow job for you while I watched. A huge build up, lots of teasing and edging for both of us with … Read more

Third Party.

Part One. “Come and get your treat John” Janice shouted to her husband who had been waiting in the adjoining bedroom. He entered the room to the site of his wife’s spread legs; and her bald pussy dripping cum. The cum had been planted in her by the huge black cock; which one of her … Read more