Why I Met Your Mother – Chapter 9_(1)

The story so far: Phil has fallen out of love with his girlfriend called Sadie, and instead is regularly raping her teenage daughter, Kiara. Phil works at a building site and recently his boss, Terry discovered security camera footage of him fucking the young girl in his van, and today has summoned Phil early into … Read more

Lessons In Genetics: Lesson 1 – Purple Punishment

Kanaya smiled as she watched her precious mother grub wriggle about in the cavern under can town they had made. It was just over a year old and ready to begin its job in producing new trolls. This would be difficult, though. They had more than just the trolls who survived the game thanks to … Read more

True accounts pt. 1_(1)

These memoirs might come as a surprise, however my story needs to be told. I’m far too mentally famished to face a juror, and too eloquent to be caught other than by self submission. Ironic, yes? Real names will not be used and certain times and dates will be allocated for my personal safety. What … Read more

Weekend Training (P1CH1)

CHAPTER 1 ======================================================================= I woke up and I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see anything either – I was blindfolded. I was physically very uncomfortable as I slowly realized I was stomach down on some kind of flimsy plastic fabric which was spread on what I imaged was sand. As I became more aware, I realized … Read more

Do I really want to save this marrige? CH 3

Do I want to save this marriage Ch 3 We all sat around the dark corner booth, talking and laughing. Michelle and Gloria, a sweet lesbian couple we met at the bar were sitting to my left, my wife Cindy directly to my right, and Steph, a sexy new friend my wife met at a … Read more

Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 5 – A Broken Ornament – edited

Chapter 5 – A Broken Ornament I glance over at the window next to the bed. Street lights outside give just enough illumination to the night. It started snowing. We’re getting a nice white Christmas. I crawl to the edge of the bed, resting for a moment, enjoying the dimly lit bedroom. The warmth that … Read more


Deep in the bowls of a dark, polluted, dystopian city, an the grimy door of a small apartment creeks open. The kitchen is the living room is the bedroom. Dim yellow light shines down onto the greasy floor from the bathroom, illuminating an empty dog bowl and leash on the floor. In steps a Goblin, … Read more

LoveLocked: Locking Down Stepdaughter

LoveLocked: Locking Down the Stepdaughter SCENE 1 [Setting: A spacious, upper-middle class kitchen—expensive refrigerator, dishwasher, wine cabinet, pasta-maker, the works.] [At a tall island right of center, SUE sits on a wooden stool, sipping morning coffee. She is early 40s, tall, with lustrous black hair, olive skin, and beautifully manicured scarlet fingernails. A plush red … Read more

The Perfect Victim_(1)

Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasn’t the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved out of her parents house. It wasn’t that she didn’t get along with them, in fact, they were probably a … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapters 7 & 8

CHAPTER SEVEN 2ND SUNDAY “Daddy, daddy. Wake up” Mike feels a weight on his chest and sleepily tries to get an exuberant daughter to ease up her jumping on his torso. “I’m awake, Jan. What’s all this excitement about?” “Come on for breakfast.” “Did your mother send you up here to get me up?” “Mommy … Read more

ltttle girl slut_(8)

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4’11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she was pretty but had no tits, I didn’t mind her tight cunt and hard round ass made up for that … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch06 – Shipping

As the woman pushed open the door and walked though Brooklyn almost had to run to get through as it swung closed behind her. It was a large well appointed kitchen with all manner of implements and equipment hanging from racks or sitting on the counters that ran around it’s edge. In the middle was … Read more

ltttle girl slut_(4)

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4’11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she was pretty but had no tits, I didn’t mind her tight cunt and hard round ass made up for that … Read more


Clown! Ok, this is pretty sick lemon, I admit. But…. I was comissioned to do this and it’s my policy to never turn down a comission. Not even the ones I would hate. Fat clown: “Hi Kids, I’m Bonko, it’s time to start this birthday party! So what’s your name B-day girl?” Girl: “Ann!” Bonko: … Read more

Her first time…

My girlfriend and I had been seeing each other for about 2 months or so, she was 19 while I was just a year over her. Lately she had started to show interest in sex, and by the way she talked, you wouldn’t think that she was a virgin. We would talk every night, and … Read more