Rooms of Horror and Delight room 3

“So, I see you enjoyed yourself last night” Jennifer sat up with a really bad headache. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was in another room with stone walls and a single light on the ceiling. But now there was a table in the room. And when she took a closer look, realized … Read more

The Shark and Seal – Tourists in Hell Part 24

THE SHARK AND SEAL – TOURISTS IN HELL Ch. 24 – Blonde’s Final Punishment GARY “We can’t have pretty-boy here getting bored,” Rex bellowed, noticing Sara’s boyfriend bent over the table, his wrists still tied behind his back. The naked, musclebound biker stalked over to his prey, yanking Marcus to his feet. His pain-wracked eyes … Read more


It started out like any other day I guess, if I really think about it. It wouldn’t end that way though. It was my 23rd birthday. I had been a full time slaveslut whore to my Master for almost four years. It had been quite a ride, and now that we were married, it guaranteed … Read more

droit du seigneur

Part I The garden was resplendent, richly and brilliantly colorful, & lavish Flora would find it much as she wanted, she was to be married come morning. The man she is to wed is Mav, they both exhibit great love in thought and action, when together, & their marriage wouldn’t seem uncanny, whilst there love … Read more

The Aquatic Boy_(1)

I hope you like this story guys, I’m not a native English speaker, so I might have committed some grammar mistakes and this is my first story, tell me in the comments what you think David awoke horrified as he saw cables around his body “What the hell?” “Where am I?” he said to himself … Read more

The Kidnapping_(3)

It’s winter and the rain is pouring down, an icy wind is blowing strong enough to make it hard to drive and the bare branches on the trees to blow dangerously, my car has broken down on the way home from work and I’m standing at the bonnet getting soaking wet trying to figure out … Read more

ltttle girl slut_(3)

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4’11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she was pretty but had no tits, I didn’t mind her tight cunt and hard round ass made up for that … Read more

The Girl Who Cried Rape

“Remember the tale of the boy who cried ‘wolf’? This time, nobody will believe you.” “Dr. Carlson, you must do something for me!” The Social Sciences professor stared coldly at the girl seated across his desk. He shook his head. “Miss Taylor, I’ve been trying to do something for you all semester long, but you … Read more

Hard Stabling

The barn was beautiful in the late afternoon sun. Light poured down through the small cracks in the ceiling and the back wall, illuminating the dancing dust motes that flittered through the air. There was a soft, steady breeze blowing outside, which kept the tall grass surrounding the building perpetually ruffled. It also took the … Read more

Tristan in Hell

Tristan in Hell “At the entrance to the cave, one must step through the the spider’s web. Otherwise, you will be caught, never to see what lurks behind it, hiding in the dark,” Orpheus warned him. “The spider will descend from above.” —————————————————————————————————————————————————– SLASH The spider is easy to kill. Weak. He had only to … Read more

Phantom: A Love Story

“There is nothing more desolate in all the abodes of men than an unfurnished house dimly lit, silent, and forsaken, and yet tenanted by the memories of evil and violent histories.” -Algernon Blackwood, “The Empty House” *** “I guess no one mentioned that Devereux Manor is supposed to be haunted?” Amelia paused with trowel in … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 7

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more

S.O.L. Games: Pet Teachers part 1/2

Pronounced ‘soul’ games. First-person, creepy, non-chronological, episodic stories inspired by the anime “Euphoria”, the book “Battle Royal”, the show “Squid Games”, etc. In this one, I choose two of my milf teachers. Always Start with the Prologue! Then other chapters can be read in any order! Link to all my stories and more chapters to … Read more