Alan appeared not far from the Queen’s palace reaching out he started to search for Hopix. Ah! There she was safe and … not all that sound after the dream, but Alan would soon fix that. Reaching out again, he began to search for the Lizard guy shaking his head Alan thought this guy really … Read more

A Good Man 4

A Good Man 4 ———————————————————————————————————————- Tom could only stare his mouth hanging open. “Your daughter? 500 years?” “Yes,” Azel said, “you haven’t realized just how long we live have you Tom?” “Well, I knew from Frilly that many lived a long time but you… and she… how…?” Tom started. Laughing Azel replied, “I’ll try to … Read more

A Good man

A Good man ————————————————————————————————— Tom Palance sat on the park bench trying to not feel sorry for his self. Christ they said that bad luck always traveled in threes but now he was starting to believe it. First he’d walked out on his wife, he loved her but he just couldn’t take her anymore. Good … Read more

A Good Man (2)

A Good Man (2) —————————————————————————————————- Tom stood frozen in shock running his hand through his salt and pepper hair, he tried to think of a way out of this.”Frilly, you mean to tell me I’ve made an enemy of the council?” Tom asked still a little shaken by this turn of events. “Well,” Frilly started, … Read more

Using Jane for my needs

Josh has been an acquaintance of mine for quite some time. His wife, Jane, and my wife used to work together and we shared some interests so we considered ourselves friends. They are a very religious couple. They also have this tradition where Jane would take one weekend a month to visit friends in Chicago. … Read more

Robbery gone wrong

Warning: This story has themes of nonconsent/rape. If you do not enjoy those kinds of themes, do not read the story. All characters are 18 or older. “I think I found one,” muttered Rick, scrolling through his computer. “Yeah? Better not be another one of your mistakes,” mused Dwayne as he took a hit from … Read more

A Good Man 5

A Good Man 5 ———————————————————————————————– The next morning Tom awoke wondering what the hell was going on. Looking around, his room was crowded with a mixture of brownies, pixies, sprites and half of the council. Huh? Most were asleep, that didn’t bother him as much as the fact that they were in his house to … Read more

A Good Man 7

A Good Man 7 —————————————————————————————————————————– Awakening Tom was still tired, damn hadn’t been like that since all this started. Rolling out of bed he was shocked to see Futha sitting beside his bed, she hadn’t made a sound upon entering waiting quietly for Tom to awake. “Hello Futha, I’m sorry I wasn’t awake to greet … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 09 (Edited)

Thanks to garbonzo607 for his insightful edits. =================================== I knew where I was as soon as the blue light penetrated my eyelids. My eyes flew open, but I was disappointed to see I was the only person in the room. The white light doused me then, and I could feel the energy leaking from me, … Read more

A Good Man 8

A Good Man 8 ———————————————————————————————————————————————- The Queen was nervous, it had only been a few days since mage Tom had done any healing to her daughter. Her daughter was still unstable at times, they had to tie her down to keep her from hurting her self or others, just as the mage Tom had warned. … Read more

A Past new Beginning (The Mission 2)

A Past new Beginning (The Mission 2) ————————————————————————————– Charles Ricksome jerked awake, the after effect of the time slip still had him feeling groggy. Now THAT was a hell of a ride! Traveling through the waves of time was an experience he had dreamed of years ago, when he had been working on his own … Read more

No I don’t want to be arrested

Another dreadfully long minute passed as I stared at the clock in the changing room. Being in my line of work, the working hours were from late at night to early in the morning. I was waiting for the clock to hit 5am for the shift to end. The gentleman’s club was clearing out little … Read more

A Good Man 6

A Good Man 6 ————————————————————————————————- Tom finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Queen Iterne, then Frilly and finally the council. When he tried to sit up the throbbing in his head and side were too much and he fell back, a groan escaping his lips. The queen rushed to his side … Read more

Conquest of Elysium Chapter 03

Chapter 03 A warning to readers. – – This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue … Read more

The Power of the Illuminati – Ch. 02 – Japan

I landed in Japan early in the evening. When I walked out of the plane, a limo was already waiting for me. The limo was a Maybach with the “Maybach Guard” security option, making the car bullet-proof. But what impressed him was what was standing in front of it. A tall, beautiful Asian woman, dressed … Read more

Roses are red_(2)

“There is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer.” -Angela Carter *** “Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?” The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked … Read more

Supernatural Nation: A Second Furry Encounter

A Second Furry Encounter Chapter 4 “Sunshine I need a favor,” Anthony said as they exited the council building. “Anything,” she said winging her way over from Jessica’s shoulder to sit on his hand. “Can you find the fairies in the area,” he asked. “Sure, but one monarch asking another’s subjects questions without the others … Read more