Club Gomorrah. The Sissy Saga. Chapter 1 The Mindfuck.

Black, cold, painful and wet. The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the … Read more

After the Fight

Mason sat slouching in the armchair, dumb animal eyes staring out insensible onto the TV screen before him. On the screen there was a sitcom and within the sitcom, there was a mandatory blonde waitress with what he’d judged to be proportionate breasts. She was standing, hand on hips berating customers, acerbic lines from a … Read more

What Happens at a Frat House

It had been about two weeks since Taylor and I had moved into our dorm and opened the year by having sloppy drunken sex with one another. It had been awkward for a few days as we tried to ignore it, and on our second Thursday on campus I finally worked up the nerve to … Read more

Min Wong forces Kate (Part One)

My name is Min Wong and I came from China to England for a 2 week educational conference. It’s like a vacation and my boss told me that, if I get lots of people to my seminar, he would send me on more trips abroad. That’s better than staying home teaching. My first presentation was … Read more

Hunt or Be Hunted III

After the trip back from the scrap heap with Jarome and the run in I had with the Amazonian women in that hotel I felt like the king of the pit. Boy that feeling didn’t last long. Jarome left my side after the trip to the scrap heap something about finding a midget. I swear … Read more

Deal with the devil

I wake up for the nth time to the sound of my big brother beating me about the head. “Time to get up no-dick. I ain’t driving you to school.” “I’m up, I’m up. Go to hell James.” He wallops me upside the head once more, then absents himself from my room will a scoff. … Read more


We had spent a wonderful day in the back yard, my husband, 3 of his friends, my folks, we had a nice BBQ, lots of beer, and wine coolers, the next day my husband and his friends wanted to drive up to the newly opened East Germany for a day and look around, since before … Read more

Teddy Gets Burned

Teddy gets burned Chandra looked frantically about the small windowless room she’d just entered, fleeing from Teddy, her abusive boyfriend. She locked the door she’d just entered through and saw there were two more doors, one opposite where she’d entered and another to her left. Opening the opposite one, she was facing a compact but … Read more

the Girl 4

Resume: The Girl has the ability to manipulate people sexually – and to erase memories. She has seduced both the man Dad and his Wife Mom and together they are planning to steal a USB dongle. They have prepared a spyware device and they are training to act as prostitutes. Later that night the device … Read more

The Book of May CH6

May couldn’t keep her hands off of her cunt for the rest of the day. She could still taste daddy’s piss and cum in her mouth, the thought of anyone smelling his seed every time she talked or the undeniable smell of pussy coming from under her desk drove her mad, she also couldn’t get … Read more

Love At First Sight pt 3

I woke up, my head pounding. My body is was so sore, especially my arms, which also happen to be tied behind my back. I look around, and the first thing I notice is how cold it is. Doesn’t this place have heat? I see papers strewn about, dirt all over the place and a … Read more