Perks of the Earl of Llaregub

Any similarities to persons living or dead is entirely unintentional Perks of the Earl of Llaregub Cruel fate drew me to Llaregub, and deviousness for my Grandfather Perks had passed away and with his passing his fortune had passed not to my mother as father had long expected but through quirk of succession to me, … Read more

Amanda and Jane, 1

Jane was incredibly nervous, pacing back and forth in the shabby motel room. She had drank half a bottle of wine to try and calm her nerves but it wasn’t working. She double checked the envelope to make sure all the cash was in it, and checked her phone for the tenth time. The girl … Read more

Uncle, Mom and Me

This story is a bit twisted. Let me introduce the characters, Me-a little fat boy(20 years) my mother-village and old fashioned type who still know nothing of sex other than something done by a husband resulting in a son. I am the only son. The incident so happened that like usual my mom used to … Read more

World of Warcraft- Mage and Death Knight

“Guards! Help me!” The woman screamed as she backed away. “No, wait, I….” Avith could hear the guards’ heavy armor rattle towards her. “Dammit,” she cursed under her breath, turning to flee. She slipped out the window of the inn, speaking a word of magic as she pulled a feather from her pouch, dropping to … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 3

Chapter 3 *Part 7* “So this is how you deal with break up’s Shell? Killing things?” I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon’s is because they consume human’s souls. Innocent human souls, … Read more

Isabella: Part 3: Slave

Isabella and Alex each could hardly keep a straight face over dinner at a restaurant and family time in the hotel lounge area. They both kept blushing every time they looked at each other. Everyone was concerned but not really suspicious. Isabella still had his cum inside her and could feel it constantly. It made … Read more

How to use your Genie

~John~ My grandfather was an eminent benefactor. His greatest joy came from giving, aiding wherever he could to make a difference in the world. He dedicated untold sums of money, shaping lives around the globe by building orphanages, schools, and bolstering various foundations. However, his worldly contributions came at the cost of his presence at … Read more

My Guardian Angel

“Siiiiigh,” Baron expressed to his soggy cereals floating in the bowl. In response, his friend Luis dumped a toaster on the table in front of him, then slammed a fork next to it. It may have seemed like an overreaction, but this was the hundredth fucking time he had heard some variation of vocalized despair … Read more

Shredder – part II

Before he could react, she knelt up, slid to the foot of the bed crouching, one foot on the corner of the bed, the other on the floor, one hand grasping the bed for balance as the other one was free. She spat the chunk of penis in her free hand and looked at it … Read more

Doki Doki Virginity Club

I wasn’t exactly thrilled to join the virginity club. Didn’t think my lack of a boyfriend was anything worth discussing or be proud of. The counselor insisted I picked an extra-curricular activity and most of them involved something I was terrible at such as sports, cooking, music, dancing, poetry… I’m terrible at most things. I … Read more

Only One Road – chapter 2

– II – I fell asleep an hour or so later. I was really hoping for dreamless sleep but that would be too much to ask I guess. I dreamt about Dylan, of course. About the time when he almost knocked my teeth out. It was two or three weeks after the school started. We … Read more

Policewomen 2: Trina and Son

Author’s note: As the brief description for this story indicates, this mom and son camping story will be quite different from others you may have read. While the violence in this part of the series isn’t too extreme (like it is in part 1), the criminals that ruin this camping trip will regret messing with … Read more

Lilo and Stitch Ride Again

Lilo & Stitch Ride Again It had been 11 years since Lilo and Stitch had captured all 626 evil experiments and turned them to good. Stitch had been lost but had since regained contact via postcards. Jumba and Plekely had returned to Jumba’s evil lab, now a successful law firm. Nani and David got married … Read more