The Trucker’s Load

Walking along the road on a cold winter night in Wisconsin, cars passed by honking their horns. Shivering cold, I didn’t know how much longer I could go. I didn’t know where I was going, didn’t really have a place to go. I just knew I couldn’t stay there any longer. I had no money, … Read more

Summer of 79- Chapter 3

Summer of 79- Chapter 3 I went into the fridge and got a couple of cokes and went back into the living room just as Gail came back upstairs trying to keep her towel from falling off. As long as she was still she was fine but the minute she started to move much it … Read more

Going (On My) Back to School

Short Description: Mother helping her freshman daughter move into college dorm and ended up having a nooner with a cute college boy that is live down the hall from her. Tags: MILF, college, mature sex “I think that’s the last of them,” Cheryl said as she followed her daughter into her cramped dorm room. She … Read more

Miss Lyscious Fuckmore (Miss Lyscious Ch. 2)

The first ray of sunlight woke me up and briefly burned my eyes the morning after my wild night in with my first MILF. My balls were still aching after being drained by the bimbo that just moved in downstairs. Lysha Luckmore, AKA Mrs. Fuckmore, AKA Miss Lyscious is a stacked and spunky ebony woman, … Read more

Model to slut – In the club

Originally posted on xnxx forum. I’d arrived in San Francisco wearing tee shirt, cutoff jeans and shoes. I was at Joys house relaxing before my return flight home when I was told of my fiance’s unfaithfulness. I learned later that because of his deceit Joy had planned the afternoon with three of her friends. She … Read more

Aunt tricked me but i loved it part 4 ( double trouble

Part 4 (double trouble) It took like 4 days but aunt eve got all her stuff moved in and our threeway relationship was starting. The transition only took so long because we were sneaking around so mom wouldn’t find us and be mad that we weren’t helping. Later that day once everything was squared away … Read more

Twins Double Trouble

Twins Double Trouble It wasn’t supposed to happen. Twins are pretty rare: about three percent of the population. Identical twins are much more rare, about 0.3%. And when there are identical twins born, 99.9% of them are of the same sex. But my sister and I are identical twins, and I am a guy. That’s … Read more

Genital Switching Device

Having dedicated my life to science, I am a virgin nerd. I have zero experience with romance, and intimacy. Yes, I have and do masturbate, but never even had a date. I see romance as a distraction, and my efforts are better used on my science. People would describe me as ‘wirey’, tall, lanky, black … Read more

My Summer Boss chapter 3

I barely thought to wrap her sunglasses in my shirt before diving headfirst into the cool, waist deep water, my own sunglasses stripped from my face. I was underwater and swimming hard, if my sister had seen my grand entrance then she might lose interest when nobody surfaced immediately. I opened my eyes and could … Read more

Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter

I am a happily married man of 38. My wife, 18-year-old daughter and I live in Phoenix. I fool around a little bit but what my wife Sue doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Sue was really into bridge so she is away playing cards several afternoons and evenings each week. This gives me time, when … Read more