Lift perks II

Saturday morning found Daniel with an extreme thirst, there was no hangover as he had not drunk that much, but as per usual he had to drink at least three glasses of water to quench his thirst. It took some time for him to remember what had happened the night before and even that seemed … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 08

By the time Lela finally let me go, I was beyond exhausted. My whole body ached, and even the thought of sex made me shudder. Not even Lela’s greenish-yellow healing light could alleviate the last six hours of carnal bliss. Needless to say, when my alarm went off, I rolled over and went back to … Read more

I am a Fugitive from Another Galaxy–4-Finale

CHAPTER 11 We drove swiftly but safely into the city. I could tell that this had been well coordinated. Police officers stopped traffic at every intersection as we flew past stopped cars en route to the White House. We were checked by Secret Service agents several times until we were met by General Tobin and … Read more