Kathy Loves Her Dogs

Hi, I’m Kathy. My good friend “Brandy” told me she’s been posting her experiences on these sites and suggested I try it. She says it’s fun and gives other people a glimpse into the world she lives in which she can’t otherwise share openly. I read her posts and I have to say I found … Read more

a change in lucy….part 3

Over the next few days Lucy found it very hard to concentrate or think about anything else but sex. In a span of less then two weeks she had lost her virginity and had fucked an old boyfriend, one if fact that she came incredibly close to giving her virgin cherry to when she was … Read more

Their Older Sister Was Fine

Fbailey story number 466 Their Older Sister Was Fine I took an early retirement due to the economy and besides they offered me an early buy out so I took it. It was interesting with the unions twenty and out clause so I was retired with full pay and still only thirty-eight years old. I … Read more

I share my black boyfriend with my mother.

My name is Dawn and this happened when I had just turned sixteen. I had a boyfriend that I was really into. His name was Dirk. He was nineteen, almost twenty, and black and I mean dark black. I’m part Irish so I have red hair and very white skin. I’m five foot two and … Read more

Jack and Jessie Ch. 2

Amy let herself into the house. She and Jessie had been friends since grade school, and knocking had fallen by the wayside. “Jess! Saw you were home alone, and came to hang out!” Amy was puzzled, there was part of a pizza on the coffee table, bottle of wine, and moaning coming from the back … Read more

Frasier High Yearbook Pt. 1

There was no strategy. From the beginning the only plan had been to pound them until they thought they could take no more. Nobody was there to help, nobody wanted the job, and nobody was paying attention. And now it was starting to rain. I sat in the bleachers and put my head in my … Read more

julie – the sex goddess

Julie and I were best buddies almost from birth. Her parents and mine were all old friends and apparently the two of us often shared a crib when we were infants. As we grew up we did everything together. The fact that I was boy and she was a girl didn’t even enter our minds. … Read more

Robbie & Eve – I’m right here if you want me

What I’ve written below describes how I met Eve. When she read my narrative, Eve made a number of edits – mostly to the conversations we shared – to reflect what she recalls saying and to reflect the way that she speaks. Some people may complain that I’ve included too much detail in the description … Read more

Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge

Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge by rutger5 ( An original story-Copyright 2011 ) “I’m telling you sis I don’t know why you put up with his shit. You have the gold ring and you’re the mother of his kids so you don’t have to take it.” “It’s not that easy Kim. What you’ve said is true but … Read more

A Royal’s Lust

“Prince Allen, if you keep squeezing like this I won’t have any control of myself” My guard, Dominic huffed in my ear. I whined and pushed my ass back against him trying to feel his thick cock deeper which in turn made him groan and grip my hips tighter, he was trying to hold off … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 4

————————————————————————————- STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane’s family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have kids this old. I am recommending her family as further test subjects. END STATUS REPORT. ————————————————————————————- Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had … Read more