Capt. James T Kirk and the 5 hour erection.

The Enterprise had orbited the planet Donovan 4 for three days and landing parties had found it a very pleasant place. It was somewhat Earthlike with a 50/50 ratio of land to water. The temperature near the equator, where they had landed, was averaging around 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and only going down … Read more


“I had coffee with her twice during the week to discuss her visit, our plans and our ground rules. We both did some serious flirting with each other and had our hands all over each other. She is seriously bisexual and a very exciting woman, we were kissing like teenagers at the back of the … Read more

Former Playboy Playmates Part 8: Tiffanie’s Year

After seeing her sister, Diane, in an incestuous situation (in Part 3), desires are awakened in Tiffanie. She runs from them and doesn’t embrace them. She can only service black cock for so long before going after the cock she loves most – her son’s. This is her first story, her attempt to run away … Read more

Beastiality Porn Star

One Saturday morning my wife Kate (26) was busy surfing the internet. For about thirty minutes or so after she finished she was deep in thought. When I went into the kitchen to make cups of tea Kate came in. Rather sheepishly she announced that she had found an advert on the net which would … Read more

The Pussy Train

I’m an attractive man in my upper 30’s. I live in a quiet mid-west city of about 15,000. It feels like the kind of place where everyone knew everybody else. There’s very little crime and what crime there is is minor. I teach calculus to advanced 11th and 12th graders at the local high school. … Read more

White Slave Tales – Charity Slave Auction

Charity Slave Auction A young woman is persuaded to let herself be auctioned as a sex slave and discovers that she likes it. I am not sure who started it, but I suspect it was Glenn. Somehow we started talking about doing things for charity, doing things like raffles and the like to collect money … Read more

Jennifer – Part 2

-Hey everyone! For those of you who waited for a sequel, I apologize. Life got in the way, but I’m grateful for your patience. I have ideas for a third chapter as well, enjoy!- Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of … Read more

Kiara Joins the Military – Chapter 4

Normally, when people talk about a mans cock they describe length as if it is the sole metric of judgement. But what struck Kiara more than anything was the significant thickness of the shaft presented before her. Her first thought was a significant worry that it simply wouldn’t fit. What a horribly unsatisfying climax that … Read more

Daddy Daughter Day Part 1

DADDY DAUGHTER DAY My eighteen year old daughter, Rebecca, and I had planned this day for weeks. The wife and son were going to be gone all day on a trip with school. Rebecca and I decided we would take advantage and planned a day for ourselves. I took a day of vacation and she … Read more

Sweet Dreams Part 1 – Prologue

Chapter #1 – Awkwardness and Fear Brandon trudged into the classroom and slid into his seat. He pulled out his pen and notebook, and just sat there waiting for class to begin. Brandon had the not so great distinction of being slightly above average, and that was about it. He was just one of the … Read more

Former Playboy Playmates Part 9: Tiffanie’s True Desire_(1)

Tiffanie’s first and second stories drive home the fact that all the moms in my literary universe love black cock BUT there is one cock they love far, far more.  This story is about Tiffanie no longer running from her taboo and perverse desire for her son. This story begins immediately after her first one ends.  No … Read more

Sisters By The Pool Part 4

I winked at Hailey as I left her room, stealing once last glimpse at her naked body, covered with sweat and still oozing my cum. I slowly opened Danielle’s door and was relieved to find her still asleep. Plus, even if she was cool with me leaving the room to fuck her sister again, I’m … Read more

Parent’s Son Appreciation

“Thanks again for agreeing to this, Mae,” Chelsea says, leading me into their kitchen, “And I’m so sorry that this was so sudden. You probably had other plans. I feel terrible.” I chuckle before saying, “It’s no issue at all. Do you remember who you’re talking to? The only thing you’re depriving me of is … Read more