Neighborhood Gossip Gets Hers

Fbailey story number 474 Neighborhood Gossip Gets Hers I could not believe it when I looked out my bathroom window and saw Mrs. Turner peeking in my neighbor’s window. Her shorts and panties were around her ankles and it looked as if she was masturbating. Mrs. Turner was the neighborhood gossip. She told everyone whatever … Read more

Bully Revenge, Pt.5 – NEW ADDITION!!!

(Hey gang, the very popular Bully Revenge series is back! Jordynn just cannot seem to learn her lesson, so Johnathan is going to have to teach her the humiliating hard way, so give it a read, and enjoy! ALL COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS ENCOURAGED!) The tires of Jordynn Perry’s old Nissan crunch the shells and gravel … Read more

The Kiss Part #3

It has been a few weeks of what had happened on the couch that night, of me and my young daughter rubbing and kissing each other into an orgasm. I noticed at any opportunity she can get she would try to see me naked, coming out of the shower, getting dressed in the bedroom, changing … Read more


___My mind drifted back to when Wendy and I first met. * This wife dreams about what she wanted to happen between her new girlfriend, her and a guy. The new girlfriend was a farm girl, who now lives next door, still with her parents. Very naïve, no experience, home schooled, no contact with guys … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 1

This story is a bit of a change from my others, but ties into them. Read to the end, to see how. There will be more chapters to come. ————————————————————————————- STATUS REPORT: Using substance gleaned from Subject 0, test animals seem to go into a mating frenzy. The chances of offspring seem to increase, even … Read more

Me, My Girlfriend, and Her Mom: Part 3

Part 3: The following days blended together into a nonstop sex romp. If I wasn’t having sex with Ashley, I was sodomizing Jill. We always fucked in Ashley’s bed, Jill getting off on her daughter’s scent with Ashley’s panties stuffed into her mouth as a gag. Whenever she could, Jill would listen in on Ashley … Read more


….Our mom was so cool, she was the best in my sisters and my mind. Dad only came home every 3 months due to his sea job. The ship had girls ‘provided’ for the men which mom knew about. Sis and I provided for mom’s lack of affection and loneliness. It first started one evening … Read more

Opposites Can Attract

CHAPTER ONE It was Friday afternoon in early September and Josh Kretschmer was sitting at his desk working on a robot for one of his classes. This one had been giving him problems because the gearing wasn’t done right and he was tired of pissing with it; so, he was taking it apart to rebuild … Read more


“OK Alexis,” Johnathan said, feeling quite smug “Good thing you have the afternoon off, ‘cause this is going to take a while. Now you step up and bend over that bed.” Alexis was still very hesitant and trying to get out of this. “Mr. Roberts, if you hurt me…” she stammered “You’ll take what I … Read more

Queen Yavara: Chapter 1

Part One: Metamorphosis Prologue Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses of flesh oscillating to … Read more

Jamie Chapter 3 – Workplace Discipline

Jamie Green gathered her things quickly, the work day was over and she was desperate to get home. She buttoned her jacket over her chest and tossed her long scarf around her neck before walking over to the large oak door next to her desk. She knocked softly before opening the door, looking in at … Read more

House Slut 12 – The Bet

Over the next two weeks, the constant fucking almost became routine. The day after the group sex where the three guys got off twice each they repeated the exercise. Seemingly this obliterated any notional barriers or propriety or privacy that had been holding them back from completely availing themselves of her body. She never wore … Read more