Bateman and Son Photography I

Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens, and teens and teens. It will eventually contain some pretty sever humiliation and punishment scenes. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based on anyone real, and none of this ever happened. … Read more

The Price of Losing

“Ivysaur, that’s enough come back!” I activated my Pokéball and recalled Ivysaur. I may have been doomed, but that didn’t mean I had to let my trusted companion get mauled any further than she already had been. The victorious Tentacruel hissed his anger at being denied his meal. His trainer just looked smug. “Well, well, … Read more

The Pleasure Worm

After 9 years working on the Mars terraforming project Sabine and Anton had finally completed their contract. They both looked forward to claiming their own’ little piece’ of Mars they could call home, saying that their ‘little piece’ was 15000 acres which was an in group joke. 3 other specialist couples had worked on the … Read more

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 7 “Dirty, Filthy Slut?”

It was almost more of a shock to Sammi that Joseph walked out of the room then if he had just forced her to the bed and raped her. It took her a few minutes to rationalize her thoughts. As she did the realization of her learned expectations overwhelmed her with emotion and she started … Read more

My media assignment.

I got a call to come into my editor’s office for a meeting with Mr Giles. I had been working on the local newspaper for 6 months so naturally I was nervous. I wondered what I had done wrong, such was my negativity. “Rachael, please sit down” he said as I walked in. I sat … Read more

Ashley’s first hair – part 1 by

It all started when my wife told me that our daughter got her first pubic hair. We were lying in bed ready for sleep. “But she’s only 9.”, I said. “Yes, I also got my first pubic hair at 9 or 10. And got my period at 11.” My wife replied. “Do you think she … Read more

The Power of Science (Chapter 2) – Evan Makes a Breakthrough

Previously: Evan Weiss started attending Excelsior, a fancy private school after he made a scientific breakthrough, proving his genius. He recently looked through one of his old notebooks and discovered one of his old ideas about time travel or time manipulation. He decided to try it out in hopes that it might work. ===== Evan … Read more

Do as I say or he goes to jail – 2

This is the follow up to ‘Do as I say or he goes to jail’. You might want to read it first. I have had requests to keep it going so here is more. Hope you enjoy it. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Dennis walked into the house after work Friday. He was carrying a plastic shopping sack as … Read more

Governor and Daughter 2

GOVERNOR AND DAUGHTER – CHAPTER 2 The condemned warehouse about fifty miles northwest of New York City crouched like a giant, moldering time capsule. Its boarded-up windows hung thick with cobwebs and dust. Its massive aluminum walls and rafters overlooked rows of rotting pallets and rusted equipment. It was a place time had forgotten. Humanity … Read more

Absolute Power 5

Chapter 5 The glassed-in shower enclosure for the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, or, as Gwen promptly informed Bailey and Jennifer, “Billy’s Room,” was huge; the four of us fit in it comfortably, with no crowding. The only ‘crowding,’ quite voluntary, found us rubbing together in slippery enjoyment. I finally exerted my infinitesimal self-control, … Read more

Love is Deaf? Part 3

Ashley’s heart was racing with anticipation. Here she was, dressed up with all the fixings for her senior prom, and she couldn’t have been happier. Finishing the final touches on her best friend Katie’s make up, the two decided that they were finally ready for the big dance. Ashley’s boyfriend Josh, and Katie’s date Alex … Read more

Coach Kaitlin’s Domination

“Kaitlin, a word in before you head out please?”, came the voice of head coach Drew behind her. It was Wednesday evening, and they had just completed a successful practice at the rowing club. Wondering what this might be about, Kaitlin followed Drew into the boathouse office. She felt Drew was eyeing her body as … Read more


___ No one got up until noon Sunday. Brad was worried about his mom. She was so straight, didn’t cuss or do anything improper. Having sex with her son, was unthinkable. He decided to just play like nothing had happened. Lisa was still in shock at what had taken place, but she to would act … Read more

Taking Beth part 1

Part one There was no hiding the fact she had made a scene. Beth knew she had lost control completely and that had not been a very bright thing to do. Unfortunately, if her intention had been to raise the issue of her brother’s plight, then she had totally failed. The prison staff had only … Read more

The Grudge Fuck Files —- Huck Fimm 1

Grudge fuck files ——- Huck Fimm “Huck, get your ugly ass out of bed. I want you to fulfill your chores before you’re doing groceries and I’ve got some more for you to do when you come back.” I pulled myself up from out of the dark pit I found myself in. I showered and … Read more