The Camp Slut- Night 3

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events are coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. Night 3 I woke up with Slut snuggled up against me. I drifted happily until I realized I smelled coffee. Groaning, I … Read more

Rite of Passage Ch.04

Jamie looked down at his shoes concentrating, they were new, like the rest of his outfit that he now wore, new and unfamiliar, but somehow comfortable, like the whole facade he was now displaying to the world. The slight heels on them demanding focus on walking to save himself from any danger of falling, or … Read more

Pure Strip Poker – 2

Three weeks later Mary called. She must have gotten my number from Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn’t know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse … Read more

Teacher’s Pet_(1)

I still thought of my fourteen-year-old daughter as a little girl until the day I accidentally caught my husband, David, looking at her as something more. It was summer, and David and I are both school teachers, so all three of us were stagnant for the summer. We were occupying ourselves by watching a movie … Read more


My name is Anne Wilson. I was 35 when my husband walked out. There had been a frosty relationship for some time. Frankly, I was glad when he left. He promised to pay maintenance but my son and I really struggled but we made do. The first year was the toughest as I came to … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 15

Nightmares filled my dreams. Explosions, death, and cries for help haunted me, as I tossed and turned, trying to escape from the horrors filling my sleep. The worst part was that it was the demons dying that I was dreaming about. I had killed for the first time in my life, and no matter the … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 09 (Edited)

Thanks to garbonzo607 for his insightful edits. =================================== I knew where I was as soon as the blue light penetrated my eyelids. My eyes flew open, but I was disappointed to see I was the only person in the room. The white light doused me then, and I could feel the energy leaking from me, … Read more

Ashley’s Offer, PT.2

(PLEASE GIVE ME COMMENTS! I like to read them and your thoughts on where this character, or other future characters, should go. Thanks and enjoy!) PS-Positive votes are nice too! It was early evening, but Dan thought he could see a touch of her nipples poking thru her bra. It may have been his imagination, … Read more

Owned Teacher Chap 16-18

This is not my work. This wonderful little piece was writen by an author known as “Thumb” about ten to fifteen years ago. I repost it here in hopes a new audience will get as much enjoyment out of it as I have over the years. CHAPTER 16 From the beginning of the first class … Read more


…I had planned this out for a while. My husband would be gone as usual, and my 3 boys (triplets) off camping for the weekend. I would have the weekend all to myself. My boys privately told me my husband had a girl on the side, that was why he was hardly ever home. …This … Read more


Payback In a matter of seconds, one’s life can change forever. This is the story of how precisely that happened to me, when a dream I didn’t even know I had, had just come true. This transformative experience befell me on what might have been a typical Sunday afternoon, a day that actually started off … Read more