Amy and Vivian Go Missing

Amy and Vivian had not intended to enter the ultimate nightmare of despair that would end in their complete sexual degradation. Their trip had started off with only carefree optimism. The two had decided to visit the far-flung Republic of Argenistan because they wanted to get away and because they assumed that, although corrupt and … Read more

The Sex Games – Round 1: Losing My Virginity

The Games The Games are a yearly event where five randomly selected eighteen-year-olds are required to compete for survival. The theme varies from year to year, but the conclusion of the Games forever constant. One player remains alive, the others having failed to prove themselves worthy. The fate of this final contestant rests in the … Read more

Mom’s Frat Party

My daughter and I have always been best of friends; even through high school we were able to share with each other all our experiences and concerns. When she left for her freshman year at college 150 miles away I felt a hole in my life with her absents. About six weeks after she started … Read more

Maternal Instinct Chapter 3

Maternal Instinct Chapter 3 As the limo rolled down the road Denzell offered Marybeth some champagne. He advised her she really should drink a bit. Marybeth did a little bit and felt it hit her like a ton of bricks. Aargh empty stomach. Denzel offerd her some light snacks which she ate to overcome the … Read more

MILF, Chapter 4

The next day her ass was still pretty sore from getting reamed by Morris’ thick cock, and her pussy hadn’t fully recovered yet either. She gave her husband the cold shoulder when he tried to kiss her goodbye, but he didn’t seem to notice much and left for work as usual. After an hour or … Read more

The Damaged Stowaway. Part Three

‘Lily! Wait!’ He cried out after her as she disappeared down the stairs. He fumbled with his pants, clumsily staggering down the hall after her. Her cum stained panties, a prized possession, discarded on the floor. Although she was down the stairs and running out the door by he time he got his pants up, … Read more

Availability for work auction part two

Kitty’s first evening working in Raymond’s sex village. ======================================== Kitty watched the empty corridor fill with people as the security guards opened the entrance to the sex village’s upper floor at eight thirty precisely, and the customers, mainly but not exclusively men, mainly men in raincoats, middle aged men, if fifty five is middle aged, … Read more


. We’d have to hurry so we didn’t get caught. I loved the way she said them breathlessly in my ear. That meant she was horny and she wanted a quick fuck. We had done this before and we were good at it. We could fuck standing up very fast. She was a moaner and … Read more

Taming the Tease: Ch 2

Taming the Tease: Ch 2 Bella felt the warm water of the shower strike her face and wash down her body. She stood there almost motionless. She started to reflect back on how she got in this terrible predicament. Over the past week, since Ron revealed to her that he had the tape, he’s been … Read more

Innocence Enslaved Chapter 2: What Comes After

Innocence Enslaved part 2: What comes after ***** The two boys couldn’t believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn’t given them the bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing playstation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the loser who was hosting it, and if they … Read more


Miguel and his two cousins… Raul and Pablo… were taken to the US as young boys, where they quickly became very proficient in English and learned many traditional American customs. But they found themselves mired in the relative mediocrity and boredom of life in the tiny town of El Paso, so they quickly grew into … Read more


I was totally stunned, as I swiped my thumb across my step-sisters Iphone revealing yet another nude selfie. This one was from above as she held her blonde hair up and pouted in that stupid duck-face way that teenage girl do these days. There was even one in a mirror. She was on all fours … Read more


Hubby dropped me off in the middle of downtown on a Saturday night, completely naked, because he wanted to see how many times I would get raped on the way home. I had only gone half a mile when a group of guys approached from the other direction. I could see them laughing and pointing … Read more

Curse of the Incubi Ch. 01

This story does contain some non-consent, so if you are not fond of such, please read no further. If you are under the legal age of reading a story of sexual nature, please exit now! All people portrayed in this story are over the age of 18. Chapter 1 Spring break… I’ve never really done … Read more