The Taking of Tasha

Tasha didn’t really have tangible reasons for her feelings, but she still wasn’t comfortable with meeting Stefan Ivonovich for coffee. After all, they grew up together and she knew what he was like. Stefan’s mother had been the housekeeper for Tasha’s family. Tasha and Stefan had attended University in Sofia together and now, five years … Read more


Elizabeth had been Preston’s step-mother since he was about fifteen. When she married his father, Sam, the family grew by two, since she brought with her a younger daughter, Gina, who became Preston’s step-sister. As far as Preston was concerned, the new step-family members were OK, but there were some obvious character flaws that caught … Read more

The Buckel Bunnies Part 1

I was about to turn eighteen, and my best friend Amber was about to miss it. Amber’s brother was a cowboy and rodeo star, and her family was going to Oklahoma to see him perform at one of the biggest rodeos in America. Amber asked her parents if I could go along, and they agreed, … Read more

Gee, Thanks Mom!

I should be honest up front. My family is wealthy. I don’t like to think of us as super-duper rich, but I’ve never had to worry about a thing in my life, so maybe we are. It’s nice, but sometimes it can make things awkward, especially when trying to make new friends. Take the house, … Read more

Owning a Dominant Bitch – Complete

My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible. Although I was on the football … Read more

Trailer Trash Teen Ch. 11

Tina awoke screaming. Ice cold water was spraying down on her body. She lashed about, trying to keep the water out of her face, but strong hands restrained her. She gurgled as water rushed into her mouth. She couldn’t move, couldn’t get up from her sitting position. Her strong slender legs flailed about helplessly as … Read more


Bradley introduced himself to us, please call me Bradley, not Brad, he told us. Telling us he was an international male model attending the party as a guest of one his local contacts. He told us he was leaving for home around eleven the next morning, establishing a time frame for any further contact. Telling … Read more


My name is Alyssa, I’m from the Philippines, I stand 4’11”, slim and with fair complexion. I have very large breasts for my height and my nipples are bright pink with small areolas. And most of all, I’m now a full pledged SLUT. It all started when I was only 14 years old. I grew … Read more

Owning Amaryllis part 3

“Mom, I’m home.” Carter didn’t know what to expect when he got home. Since morning, he had gotten alert after alert from the camera app he installed with his new camera setup. He had accidentally set it up on sentry-mode and left it in the main room; it sent him an alert as well as … Read more

Skunk Junkies

Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of “dweebish” and “geekish”. Throw in a little “nerdish” and I think you get the idea. We weren’t bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially … Read more

Samantha’s Slippery Soaked Panties…

Man…. Man, man, man, man, MAN…… Things just feel so FUNKY right now. Samantha’s been in our bed all day so far. She seems to have started coughing, ever since everyone’s gotten up this morning. She seemed perfectly fine, when all of us went to bed last night. Being trapped dead center, between all of … Read more

Secret Urges

Secret Urges Yes…we all have them. No one can control what we think. Let’s listen to some of those who choose to ‘reveal’ those…’secret urges’. We’ll just call these two.. John and Mary. John tells about his…. Well….nobody knew but me, but I was getting a secret urge to fuck my step daughter Mary. Damn … Read more