Bob sent to upend Elsie and give her seein’ to

The Night sky glowed red wi light from rolling mill as cauldron after cauldron of white hot metal were poured into moulds to mek iron slabs for t’ rolln’ mill Albert Grimshaw looked on wi pride. “Eee Lad, afore long thee’ll not see nowt for smoke from Grimshaws in’t valley.” he said jokily. Young Bob … Read more

Perfect Wife – Diary of a bad time

Perfect Wife – Diary of a bad time 8-9 Aug 2009 I was in a central Manchester hotel celebrating a business success with my husband Paul. We’d had a bottle of wine with our meal then headed to the bar where we downed a couple of shorts before ordering champagne. Paul doesn’t drink much so … Read more

Brian & Ashley – Chapter 1 – Library Exhibitionists

Introduction: My name is Ashley, and my boyfriend’s name is Brian. Some of you may already know us from some of our other sexual endeavors, namely how Brian and I began fooling around with my sister, Madison, and later her girlfriend Alyssa. Today, however, I have a different story for you. If you are indeed … Read more

Very Hard Nipples_(1)

Steffi Lange swep into her office with a grim look on her face, and her executive assistant, Shelly Engel, rolled her eyes and thought to herself, ‘Oh shit, it’s gonna be one of those days!!!” Pouring a fresh cup of coffee, she knocked on Steffi’s door and entered he boss’s office. “Here’s your coffee and … Read more

Missing Mom

Please Rate and comment Jolene walked down the quiet road, thankful for some quiet time on her own. The day would be warm but the morning was cool with a bright blue sky. She was thankful to have such a quiet road to walk from her house. She had already seen a hawk over head, … Read more


Sanity oozed it’s way back and I felt myself breathe again. I relaxed and as my vitals began to settle back into normal range, I became aware again. Stacey was breathing deeply, trying to regain her own composure. Her face was turned sideways, eyes closed. She looked content and happy. Stacey opened her eyes. She … Read more

As I dream of JaLynda………..Please dont wake me

As I sit by the fire dreaming of a day long gone a familiar tingle begins to stir deep in my loins. I fight the urge to walk down the old path but it soon overwhelms my senses and I reluctantly give in and reach for the journal long written and put aside but never … Read more

The Day After My Night Visitor …

The day after my night visitor was a very trying day. I could not get my mind on my class work and my friends took notice that I was a little occupied in my thoughts. I tried to laugh it off explaining that the class work was confusing and it had me in deep thought. … Read more


Monica, what can I say about her; she’s my good friend, a constant companion, and my long term crush. She also happens to be gorgeous and full of energy, being a geek and dancer she has a unique blend of down to earth along with an unabashed fit body. She’s around 5’6′” or something not … Read more

The fat man’s revenge

Ethan Harrington’s revenge Ethan Harrington was a large man by any measure. He topped out at over 6 feet tall and was over 400 pound. Right now he was trying to squeeze his way into a sub compact. He was a mechanic with his own body shop and he needed to get this car up … Read more

They cum back

Debbie was sitting at a table nursing a drink in the Halfway House Bar when she heard “Cripes Deb, its been a long time.” The owner of the voice dropped into the seat next to her. He was someone Debbie had not seen or heard in a long time, nor had she wanted to. His … Read more

Living with Uncle Jim

I guess it started shortly after my twelfth birthday, you see me and my parents were out celebrating my special day. We had gone to some restaurant; I can’t remember the name now it seems so long ago. We were on our way home, dad was driving and it was raining hard. I don’t know … Read more

Pick Me

I love hanging with the guys. It’s such a nice change of pace. Girls are always bringing drama wherever they go. It’s kinda sad that I have to affiliate with them. Everything’s always the men’s fault. Can’t get a nice job? Men. Can’t afford to buy food? Men. Dropped out of college? Men. Can’t seem … Read more

Virgin Sacrifice_(0)

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.” -Robert Herrick, “To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time.” *** With his hands bound behind his back, Isaac marched through the woods. Seila walked behind him, prodding him whenever he slowed down. … Read more