An Arm And A Leg

“Mathilde!” Dany bellows from his bed. Mathilde sighs before putting down her book and making her way to his room. “Whaaat?” she answers, “I’m thirsty. Could you make me some juice?” She groans and goes downstairs and pours him a cup. While it annoys her that he’s being such a baby, she can’t help but … Read more

Trish’s Life

Trish’s Life Is Trish just unlucky or is she a born victim? We first meet Trish as a young stay at home wife who’s husband is presented with a demand from one of the executives that has him trembling in his shoes! Dinner with the Boss “Harold Simmons?” asked the secretary. “Yes,” answered Harold. “Mr. … Read more

Evaline May in Africa

A little vignette from the 1950s The world has changed since Evie and I were first thrown together back in the summer of 1954. My Father was in the diplomatic service and served the hon Charles Bainbridge as administrator to the District Commissioner in the Kumbala district in the disputed territories of Africa. Disputed in … Read more


“What was the first thing you noticed about him? What was his name?,” Sarah asked just as I hoped. “Glad you asked Sarah, the size of John’s shaved cock. He was huger, much bigger than me.” “So what happened, why did he approach you?” “He told me he joined the gym a few days earlier … Read more

Darkness Within: Chapter 1, Beginnings

I’m a good man. Ask anyone. I am active in the community, a supporter of humanitarian causes, a dependable friend, and a responsible (and very successful) businessman. Just last month I received a prestigious award for my contributions to assist victims of human trafficking and sexual slavery. I accepted the award and gave a stirring … Read more

Doris and Les Girls

Anyone reading this probably knows that my neighbour Jack has a beautiful young half-Chinese wife called Doris. She is barely five feet tall, and very slim with slender well shaped legs and pert little high set tits. With the help of Jack’s friend Joe, who used to be a stage magician, Doris can be put … Read more

Learn Your Place

It makes no sense. It just seems anyone can get a teacher’s degree nowadays. What kind of person is so unprofessional that they quit right at the end of the school year? Especially a senior class? It’s such a shame. Teachers really just don’t give a damn anymore. Now we have this pushover who can’t … Read more

Anya The End

Part 5 Screaming with everything in her Anya shoved her shoulder against the door, ‘stupid move’ thought Anya seconds later as she cradled her throbbing arm and shoulder. “Fuck you both” screeched Anya not even caring that she sounded like a crazy cat lady. “Bastard’s didn’t even leave me water” mumbled Anya as she surveyed … Read more


Lucinda I saw her sheltering under the projecting canopy of the bus shelter just along from‭ “‬The Angel‭” ‬in Chatham Road.‭ ‬I was sure it was her.‭ ‬The rain was falling steadily the road glistening alternately orange in the street lights glow and gold from car headlights as the punters crawled the kerbs and I … Read more

Interviews of My Sex Life: Boy Toy Part 2

Coach Krisby and I had sex a few more times after that, each time ending the same as before, with me wanting more and him pretending that nothing happened. I thought it was our dirty little secret, but one night, after the football players had gone and the Coach had used me as a human … Read more

My Sister’s Best Friend Chapter 1

I couldn’t believe this was happening. How could I have been so stupid? I was really screwed now. For the past few days, my sister, April, has been letting her friend Natalie stay with us while our parents were out of town for the while to visit far away family. It wasn’t exactly my idea … Read more

The Loophole – A Halloween Story

Fred Whetherington held the stiff piece of parchment lightly in his hand as he drank his morning coffee. His wife, Willie, sat across the table from him sipping a glass of juice. His voice was calm as he said, “This was on my pillow this morning when I awoke.” She smiled and replied lightly, “He … Read more

Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter

I am a happily married man of 38. My wife, 18-year-old daughter and I live in Phoenix. I fool around a little bit but what my wife Sue doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Sue was really into bridge so she is away playing cards several afternoons and evenings each week. This gives me time, when … Read more

Went For an Interview and Got Enslaved!

Jenna took a double-take at the secretary as she approached the desk to check in for her interview. The woman’s bossom was all but spilling out onto the monthly calendar that she leaned over, marking dates. Jenna suddenly felt overdressed in her turtleneck sweater and long, professional skirt, even while she felt the fabric clung … Read more

Post Coital Suggestion – Part 2

Chapter Two It was good to have Richard and the boys home, though it felt a little funny for the first few days to be going around the house with clothes on. I had gotten used to being naked. Rather liked it, actually. I was terrified, though, of going out of the house. What if … Read more

Megan 2/?

Megan: Ok Sir, what do I have to do? Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong … Read more

The Troubled Teen Tales of Lauren Loxley – Ch. 2

Troubled Teen Tales of Lauren Loxley Chapter 2: (Where we left off from Chapter 1) That isn’t what happened. Delete that!” He said. “No” Lauren said firmly. “What are you going to do with that?” John asked helplessly. “I am going to send it to your church’s email.” John interrupted, “no you can’t! I will … Read more