Post Coital Suggestion – Part 3

“Honey? Remember to call the babysitter. We have that Rotary Club function tonight!” “Oh, Richard, tonight? You know how those things bore me to death!” He was putting the finishing touches on his tie as he continued. “I know, baby, but I really need you there with me for this one. I’m being honored for … Read more

The Farmer’s Wife & Daughters lll

The farmer’s wife eventually brought herself to her feet, the blacksmith’s cum still slowly oozing out of her pussy. She’s a mess of emotions as she reflects on the events of the last hour, assimilating the length and breath of her degradation, and more alarmingly, her incomprehensible submission to it. She could feel the thick … Read more

True North

Amber had not wanted to go to the family reunion. But she was here now and surrounded by dozens of people she hardly knew crooning and cawing about just how much she had grown. She had asked her parents to go home early, but drinks in hand they waved her off. “We’ll be here for … Read more

Helena’s Nightmare

Helena’s Nightmare Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in … Read more

katherine begins her journey pt. 1

Growing up to a single mom had been difficult at times for katherine and she had always been drawn to father figures lacking one in her own life. A natural born dancer just like her mother but shy and with few friends. Standing just 4’10 and with a dancer’s physique of a smaller B cup … Read more

Mother’s Milk

Jack pushed the door open with his foot awkwardly and entered his house. Both his hands were occupied; he was carrying with a large plastic bag of disposable diapers in one hand and two bags of groceries precariously balanced in other arm. Jack set the packages on the kitchen table. “Mom?” No answer. He looked … Read more


Becky could not wait to design her character and see how close the game would make it look like her. She had bought and downloaded the new interactive game everyone was talking about called, “Horrorween”. The difference in this game compared to all the others was the technology to make a character look, act and … Read more

Free Use part 1

This is actually just a taste to see how people like the concept. I will either make an extended or more detailed version of this one or make a part 2. “Go then, there are other worlds than these.”- Stephen King Danny was a junior researcher for an organization that studied the strange and unnatural … Read more

Derby, Chapter 3

Derby made sure he was up early the next morning. He suffered through a few minutes of mindless jabbering from his new roommate, before he escaped to the shower. He was proud of himself for having resisted the urge to ram the little nerd’s Star Wars toy light saber, which Martin had apparently bought at … Read more


The young school-teacher fled desperately down the corridor, the flat slapping of her shoes echoing sharply in the silence. Panting for breath, she ran past deserted classrooms, none of which offered any hope of refuge or escape – she was on the third floor of a long block, and even if a window would open … Read more

The New Years Eve Party

As the two girls saw what was being shown at the natural history exhibit, depicting the life of the Native American family, they blushed, turned their heads and hurriedly walked away. A hand covered one of their mouths as she whispered something to her friend and almost ran back to join the rest of their … Read more

Life Redone (Part 2 of 10)

Only nine more opportunities. That was my thought process right now. I had gone from debating even using the device and wondering if it was really legitimate, to planning out how to use it perfectly. I’m sure there were more than ten girls that I wanted a second chance with, and I wanted to make … Read more