The Girl Scout -28 Therapy at Doc Rosen’s

Lisa felt herself tumble to the ground. She was cut free from the limb. There were some new men but she could barely open her eyes. “Doc, do you think she will make it.” “50-50 but I think so.” “Girl we have gone through a lot of trouble to find you. Lisa squinted to see … Read more

Stolen Savior

I hadn’t believed my sergeant when he told us time slows to a crawl in combat, but it really does. I clearly remember every bit of my seven-on-one firefight in Ramadi Iraq, down to the tenth of a second. Maybe even millisecond. My initial burst hit the leader in the face, as an RPG rocket … Read more

Robin Gets A Lesson

Robin Gets a lesson In Robin Gets Introduced to Bo, Robin gets brought to a strange big house and forced to consent to having sex with Bo. While Tami went into the closet to pick me out something to where I looked down at my pussy she had just shaven completely clean. I was feeling … Read more

Two Mothers

I have a new found appreciation for the various writers who submit stories. It has proven to be a difficult, time consuming activity that required significant effort just to get to this point. No matter how many times I proof-read my story, I find errors and typos. Please excuse the errors. I will make corrections. … Read more

It’s just a Threesome

“Come on, Grace, it’ll be fine,” Jeffrey said, his voice a coaxing whisper in the quiet apartment. “It’s just a bit of fun.” The air had anticipation, a strange tension coiling around the room. I couldn’t believe the conversation we were having. Jeffrey, my boyfriend of almost a year, was sitting across from me on … Read more

Lakeview Discount Meats

Lakeview Discount Meats Joseph Hurley was a wealthy man looking for lucrative ways to increase his wealth. Often the least legal paid the best dividends. As his limo entered the gate of Lakeview Discount Meats slaughterhouse for a meeting, he thought to himself, “No one would ever suspect that anything was going on here. The … Read more

Self-Fulfilling Son

-1- Michelle struggled to walk in the snow, stumbling from dead, frozen tree to dead, frozen tree. The full moon, huge, pale-blue amongst a starry night sky lit her way. Light reflected off the snow with an equally pale-blue hue. The air was so cold and still, almost like a vacuum; she could hear no … Read more

A Cock in the Hand ch. 10

I lay on the bed face down, naked, with a dildo in my ass and thigh-high stockings. I was rubbing my boner against the sheets, while Mark watched me on Face Time. It was now the third time I had masturbated for him this way and still my favorite. There would be time later to … Read more

Regan and Liz go to an Orgy PART 1 by

“You’re going to be a virgin the rest of your life.” “Excuse me?” “You heard me, Regan. You’re going to be a virgin for the rest of your entire life…unless you come to this party.” Sixteen year-old Regan Hanks looked at his best friend, Liz, in pure confusion. “Why?” Regan asked. “What kind of party … Read more

The Dangers of Sexting and Summer Storms

John’s phone buzzed against the marble countertop with a shrill tone. He picked up his phone and brought up the new text message. “Fuck me” he exclaimed. It wasn’t the message he’d expected… It read “Sorry mate, weather looking really shit for our group tee off time. Gonna have to postpone. Catch up tonight @ … Read more


Coming from work one night, she said goodnight and wished her coworkers well. “Goodnight Sasha. You’ve got to work for me like we agreed tomorrow morning. Don’t forget to set your alarm!”. They poked fun at her for one incident where she didn’t remember to adjust the time on her alarm clock and was late … Read more

Titcage (All Chapters)

Chapter One TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest … Read more

Another Good Night

Another Good Night Since their parents passed away a year before Jason had become increasingly stern in the way he dealt with his younger sisters Sarah and Hannah. Hannah was just some little kid that got on his fucking nerves but Sarah was a different story. She’d turned seventeen that summer and she was so … Read more

Curiosity Made the Cum Slut

Here I was, sitting in my small apartment in front of my PC on a Tuesday evening, surfing the web and mainly being bored. I was thinking to go for some porn sites but eventually decided that i was looking for something better. I didn’t used omegle for quite some time and nowadays noone talked … Read more

My sexy Officemate -II

Two days passed without anything new after I had the first of my very erotic encounters with Vathsala. Since that day, every time I saw her, my heart took a leap, and there was no way I could suppress the rapid inflow of blood in the vessels in my crotch. She probably knew this and … Read more

Dylans “Will”

Dylan Donahue was no ordinary man. At the age of fifteen he was struck by lightening and almost lost his life, through therapy and modern medicine Dylan pulled through this tragic event, or as Dylan learns a few years latter that this accident was not as tragic as everyone nor himself thought but more of … Read more


“Kayla, I’m hungry,” Cindy whined as she trotted into the kitchen. She had been playing in her room when her mother had left for the night and had only just come downstairs to find her sister as the only other person in the house. “Look in the fridge for something,” Kayla grumbled. She was not … Read more


The other naked and very aroused man, he is only a boy really, (we are both glancing at his huge cock) is sitting close by with no physical contact with either of us. He is watching mesmerised at Mary-Anne’s technique and my turn on, and waiting, hopefully, for his turn with her. Mary-Anne and I … Read more