International Espionage, An insiders tale CHAP 5-9

Previously in “International Espionage, An Insider’s Tale” The principal character is the story Mr G is Deputy Director of the UK Secret Service (SIS). He has been assigned to intercept two Iranian female terrorists enroute to London to help carry out a major terrorist attach. He and his team kidnapped the two women in Amsterdam … Read more

The Girl – Book 1 – Chapter 4

*spoiler*: A multi-part story that goes from rape, to consensual torture and slavery, with an happy ending. She entered the workshop just as they were closing. She was dressed in her old school uniform. It was tightly fitting her curves. Until the last client left, she wondered around the shop, pretending to check out things … Read more

Voyages of Kes

Terms: Star Trek Voyager was a Sci-Fi TV show in the 90’s about a space ship trapped in unfamiliar part of space far from Earth and struggling to get home. Kes was an alien from a species called Ocampa. She had large pointy ears and a blonde pixie hair cut. She had very large breasts … Read more

Taking care of a family friend’s daughter

It’s been two months since I moved out and bought myself a small 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment in the city. At 28yo, I honestly was quite proud of myself in finally transitioning into actual adulthood – cooking, cleaning, paying bills, the whole works all by myself. There was nothing particularly special about the 2 … Read more


BadBoys They roadblocked us in the alley. We were returning home on a cheerful winter evening. I’ve seen both around here before. Hoodlums of the neighborhood. I don’t know the other two. They call themselves BadBoys. Four ugly bastards. “Whatever is in pockets!” someone hissed. I pulled my sister behind me and protected her with … Read more

A Naughty Girl

I have more of this story its about a man, a woman and her daughter, this is part of the daughters story. I would like to hear your input. It is kinda just pulled out of the middle of it, let me know He watched her undress. She went through t in the exact order … Read more

New Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 3 – Old and New Friends

Chapter 3 As the usual sound of terrified screaming filled the air around Malfoy Manor, Ron and Draco decided to lounge about on the sofa in the living room. ‘That was a great kill of yours earlier friend,’ said Draco to Ron eagerly, ‘Reducto! Then…..BOOM! That scum of a muggle was obliterated,’ Ron smirked as … Read more

No sir

The day I took her interview, I knew she can be taken advantage of. She had recently got shifted to Bangalore. Her husband took a new job that required them to shift to the city from Delhi. She was looking for a job as she was getting bored sitting at home the whole day while … Read more

Uncle Ash: Part 1 + Prologue

Prologue As Lori sat in the diner booth, reading the menu again, she swung her feet back and forth beneath the seat. Her sandals clicked against her soles as she tried to alleviate her boredom. How long had it been since her mother excused herself to the bathroom? How many times had the waitress come … Read more


“Are you with me so far? Now listen closely. Shay has two men in toe, Kai and Ajax, just boys really, both in their early twenties, half her age, her Personal Assistants she told me, who she wants to include them in the arrangements. They are both pretty boys with good bodies, I just sent … Read more

older sister two

[b] That night I had the best fuck fantasies about my older sister. I knew what her body was like (6′ 180lbs) and knew how to manipulate it. The next morning I woke up with morning erection and just layed there picturing Lyn in my mind..(naked of course.) I soon got out of bed and … Read more


Brenda arrived at the bank and was shown into Mr. Donley’s office. Mr. Donely had called Brenda early that morning, just after her husband, Mark had left for work and her daughter, Kaylie, had headed off to school. He said he needed to see her immediately to discuss important financial matters, but wouldn’t say more … Read more

The Free-Use Bible: Book of Genesis 1

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story. DISCLAIMERS I often write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done … Read more

The Love of Money I Chapter 12: No News is Good News

Wednesday, 8:05 am Buried in my bed sheets, my phone woke me with its incessant buzzing. I blindly reached for it without success and cursed as I reluctantly opened my eyes and began sorting through my blankets looking for the damn thing. During the process, my phone stopped which made it harder to find. The … Read more

Face to Face

Shay came home late at night from her job. She wasn’t married…didn’t have a boyfriend to speak of….and her nearest family was states away from her. One of her few pleasures was online chatting….most of it was pretty innocent…but sometimes they tended to get pretty naughty. And tonight she was feeling especially naughty. She unplugged … Read more