Teen Titan Chronicles 2

Introduction: What those kids really get up to I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the … Read more

Bigboy and His Bitches Part 3

Bigboy and his bitches; Part 3 Vickie and Julie were in each other’s arms quickly, kissing, tearing each other’s clothes off until Vickie says, we need to slow down and get in that shower girl. They do. They hug as they stand under the hot streaming water laughing as Julie says, “I don’t think I … Read more


Prologue The conversation was carried on in a language few people would have been able to understand, let alone speak. Translated into colloquial American English, it might have sounded something like this: “But it is possible? Originally you said it could not be accomplished at all.” “Possible, yes. Feasible — who knows? It is a … Read more

Peeping Tom Pays the Price

“Oh, ohhhh!” Tom pulls down his pants, while never letting his eye off the peep hole. Every Sunday night, these same five girls have gathered here and done amazing sexual things to each other in this abandoned old shack. Dan pulls out his stiffening cock and slowly strokes it. Inside the four women are completely … Read more

The Model Submissive – Chapter 1 – Brought To Heel

It was early evening on a late spring day as Roland looked out the window from the comfy restaurant booth. The sun was still high in the sky and the first hints of summer were evident in the air outside. An assortment of nature band-aid trees dotted the concrete landscape of Burger Palace’s parking lot. … Read more


CHAPTER 1 –CARING FOR MY FAMILY I’ve always hated going to the doctor. I can’t stand sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting in a room mostly full of sick people. But today I was sitting and waiting patiently while I held my wife’s hand. We’re at her OB/GYN’s office and there are at least … Read more

…..is sweet

…IS SWEET This story is brutal. It contains rape, torture and murder. If that isn’t your thing, fuck off now. For those of you who are a tad crazier, enjoy. After almost a week of bawling like a baby, I managed to make it through the funeral with completely falling apart…until I walked through the … Read more

Mistress and her slaves

The Mistress and her Slaves Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as … Read more

Becoming my Neighbor’s Slave Toy ch 1-2

Introduction: It contains femdom, CBT,. When my older next door neighbor lady taught me to be her toy. Becoming my Neighbor’s Slave Toy (Part One) This story is based on true events. It contains femdom, CBT,. When my older next door neighbor lady taught me to be her toy. Since I was about 14 I … Read more

Male Erotic Allround Therapy

THE MEAT (Male Erotic Allround Therapy) John was an average man in is late thirties, who had most things in life sorted out. One thing that was missing in his life though was an intimate relationship with a loving woman. He had a couple of romances before, but none was quite fulfilling for him. He … Read more


This is a story of a loving family—mom, dad, and two girls, aged 13 and 11, that is almost destroyed when the mother cheats. Mostly, the story tells about how they survive. I’ll give you a hint—they get help from an unexpected source. I dislike stories that begin with children who disappear into dust as … Read more

More fun at the bar the club and with my sister

Well with all the fun happening at work and the club, I ended up owing my sister a couple of shifts at our restaurant before the sale of it was final, she decided that instead of having to work she told me she would work the shifts instead of me but I had to be … Read more

The Bounty Hunter 2

When you awoke the next morning, Nyajih was asleep on your right as Nakiti slept on your left on the floor of the cave. Nakiti couldn’t travel on foot after your butt loving action, so you decided to rest until the next morning. It was almost dawn and you want to head out as soon … Read more

Fun Afternoon with nettles and things

It Stings The circumstances of my being at the party in July 2011 were rather involved. I was in fact a ‘plus one’ for Julia a married lady of 36; whose husband Brian had given our affair his blessing. After all he was shagging my wife, Lisa who was his secretary and part time tart … Read more

My girlfriend castrated me

My Girlfriend castrated me…P story 1 Part one My girlfriend castrated me for her black boyfriend. Hi my name is Steve and for the longest time I have loved being hurt by women; I can’t remember when I didn’t like a good whack on the ass or knee to the balls. My Mother grew to … Read more


CASTRATRIX Castratrix Sue took hold of Joshua´s balls and gently pressed them together in her sweet demanding hand. Joshua wanted to protest, but the sight of the beautiful castratrix, and the actual feel of his balls inside her hand made him limp and silly somehow. It was her fifth castration today. Sue was a professional … Read more