Amber Brief Stardom

Amber was very depressed it was hard for her to get out of bed when she answered and for a lottery where one drawing each week to be publicly executed. There would be one chance in 50 of ending her life for the enjoyment of others. Amber called the number and was told a car … Read more

Mike’s Pet: Meat

I met the cutest guy at the club last Saturday night. His name’s Mike. We really hit it off. Now, I don’t usually go back to a guy’s place when we first meet, but he was really cute, and wouldn’t take my number, saying it’s either now or never. I didn’t want to miss my … Read more

Vile – Chapter 9 – Sin

Gnarled hands grasped from every direction, their ashen skin exploring soft flesh and leaving long scratches with their jagged nails causing blood to trickle over the buxom form of the abandoned blonde. Screams welled inside her as the looming terrors fondled and clawed at her, yet as tears poured from her eyes no sounds could … Read more


“For the panic of the wilderness called to him in that far voice—the power of untamed distance, the desolation that destroys. He knew in that moment all the pains of someone hopelessly and irretrievably. He had seen the Wendigo.” -Algernon Blackwood, “The Wendigo”. *** Four of us went up: Shawna, Eric, Karina, and me. I’m … Read more

Meat Girl Part 1

Tracey couldn’t help the usual tremor of excitement passing through her as she approached the large meat section of the supermarket. Ever since the new law allowing the use of females as meat for human consumption had been passed two years earlier Tracey had been fascinated by the whole concept of being treated and packaged … Read more

Meat girl conclusion

All Tracey could do was stand on display and await her fate. Voiceless and tied as tightly as could be she couldn’t think of a single thing she could do to escape the situation. Emily was the only person who really knew what was happening and she wasn’t around to help at all. The ringing … Read more

Jenna’s Turn To Cry

At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, “Ok we need to get the pig moved over to the prep frame now” Susan said as she picked up a large knife and walked over to the prep frame, “Hey Ted” Steve … Read more

Meat Girl Part 2

From somewhere behind them Emily suddenly produced an upright trolley and with a little manoeuvring got Tracey to stand on it and she wheeled her out of the door and into the public part of the store up to where the other four meat girls were standing. “Right let’s just get you on the stand … Read more

Porno Tape Roast

For a long time I really hated my parent’s, they were always away, it seemed that every weekend I can remember since I was a baby they were always out on some great far away weekend get away, get away from what?, that was always my question. Get away from what? It occurred to me … Read more

Eat Me

I’ve always fantasized about becoming meat. Being cooked up and eaten just sounds so erotic to me. I could never really do it, as it’s illegal, but I think about it any time I get horny. When it’s really hot out, I like to imagine that I’m in an oven on low heat. When we … Read more

The Neighborly Thing To Do!

Noise and the rumbling of a truck coming to a stop can be heard from outside the house, “Looks like someone finally bought the Wilks house next door” Steve said looking out the window as the new neighbors unpacked the moving van, “I wonder what their like” was the reply from Susan, Steve’s wife who … Read more