The King in Yellow Chapter Eighteen

KATYA’S ORDEAL Entering the main hall, Katya looked around in wonder. The room was a riot of Bokhara carpets and cushions, hangings of silk and muslin, loops of chain and rope. At irregular intervals along the walls preserved heads hung by their hair. There were nameplates beneath them; Alexandra’s and Rosa’s heads were there and … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 06

Béla woke up. She still hadn’t had anything to eat. The pitcher of pink liquid was setting on the cooler where it had been left, (minutes… hours?), however long ago. She sat up and gazed down at her sister. Beth (Is that old husk really you?) was still in a deep sleep, not having moved … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 07

Béla was back in the lab. The actual, very same lab she’d been born in; or more accurately, reborn in, almost a hundred years after she’d died back on Earth in that horrible car fire. The stark, cramped, utilitarian architecture which comprised most of the interior of Deimos was severely depressing after spending most of … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 3

Chapter 3 *Part 7* “So this is how you deal with break up’s Shell? Killing things?” I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon’s is because they consume human’s souls. Innocent human souls, … Read more

Prison World

Chapter 1 A ring of smoke sails into the air, crashing into the wall dispersing in different directions. I sit at my computer, as smoke continues to drizzle from the freshly lit joint. The smell of inflamed cannabis fills my nostrils. Another puff sends me into a coughing fit. The bar to the loading screen … Read more

Let’s Make a Movie

Let’s Make a Movie Brad approached the two girls waiting outside a bar. He recognized the scene. They were underage and waiting for someone to buy them some booze. “Hey, girls. Nice night. Would you like to party?” They looked him over, and then looked at each other and agreed with their eyes. Melissa spoke … Read more

I shall fuck your corpse tonight!

I Shall Fuck Your Corpse Tonight – Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T. done for ”Author of the Month” contest. WARNING!! This is an ultra-violent, extremely gory, and very fucked up torture/guro story. Do NOT read if you’ve got weak stomach or if you’re offended by such content!!! To all the others, let’s get this … Read more

Having Anna for Dinner

A brunette girl, who appeared sixteen years old, lay on the floor watching TV with her younger sister, a blonde girl who was six years younger. Their father had lost his job about a year ago and was only recently able to find another. He hadn’t gotten his first paycheck yet, and wouldn’t or several … Read more

Life Of The Party

“While you’re under my roof you will listen to me and obey my rules! And that means no roasting parties!” Came the shouting voice of Alex’s mother as Alex ran up the stairs to her bedroom. “You never treat me like an adult!” Alex shouted as she slammed her bedroom door. “I’ll show her too … Read more

Jessica’s Capture – Part 9 of 10

Part 9 – The Great Escape Three month’s later, the plant’s loud speaker came to life with Jerry’s voice “All supervisor’s and department heads report to the manager’s office immediately” he said seconds later people started pouring into his office “What’s wrong boss” Jessica asked standing in a crowded office with about 30 men waiting … Read more

Little Trouble in Dolcett Japan

The day started like any other everyone in the Tendo house now waking to a new day except for Ranma and his father Genma who spent all night training in the dojo to wrapped up to realize it was already morning until Kasumi called from the kitchen, “Breakfast is ready” was heard by all in … Read more

Ukyo’s Last Okonomiyaki

The school day ended at the sound of the final bell Ranma and Akane along with some of their friends decided to go to Ukyo’s for a snack, “So you think Ucchan is open yet?” Ranma asked walking along side Akane on top of the chain link fence, “Sure she is, look there’s a line … Read more

The Naga Roast – Part 2

Part 2 – Lina’s Roasting Now? “If I don’t get out of this im really screwed” Lina said to herself as the man with the spit pushed it deeper into her pussy causing her to scream out in pain, “grrr why cant I use my magic” Lina though as she struggled and tried to get … Read more

She’s The Master – Part 2 of 4

Part 2 – Jessica’s Time At Dolcett U After Jessica and Stacey finished the introductory meeting with the dean of Dolcett U they went up to the dormitory to the room the dean had assigned Jessica to live in for her time at the school, Jessica took a quick look around and then threw her … Read more

Mother Daughter Feast (2 of 12)

Mother Daughter Feast (Part 2 – Anna’s Ultimatum) When it is almost time for us to get home, Anna plays the video up to the point of her dad placing the spit under the blonde’s ass, pausing it with my tits and pussy and her dad’s cock and balls visible, along with the blonde’s assets. … Read more