Human Contact (2)

Brynn awoke with dizzying thoughts and questions. The night before had been unexpected and he wasn’t sure what to think. He loved his times with Gilbert but now felt despair that the older man might have changed his mind. It was surprising how quickly it had come about. They had returned from Easton City and … Read more

Beach-House P2

Sorry, I know the last one didn’t have any boy/boy in it but this one does. It doesn’t have a lot of sex but it’s great to jack-off to. If you didn’t read the first one, My name is Zeke. My two friends are Jak and Alec. I’m 13 with short blonde hair, pretty tall, … Read more

Boo 2

As I waved good-bye to Alex I couldn’t help but to thank him twenty times more or so! I had only had Boo for about ten minutes and I was already over joyed about her. Even though her sour attitude showed no respect or interest for me. Still, though, I had decided my form of … Read more

Peril Mom – Fried Cunt

“Come here boy, lets watch some movies with mommy.” Janets voice was commanding and Milo knew he had no choice. His mother sat perched on the sofa with her morning coat loosely tied. He reluctantly sat down between Janets muscular legs and felt his mothers’ hands around his waist as she removed his shirt. He … Read more

Do you want me naked before he arrives?

My lady Sarah and I often have a guest, male or female, sometimes both, for our mutual sexual pleasure on a Sunday afternoon. We often remind each other to give out the right vibe, the energy you want to attract. In our case we love to attract new male and female sexual partners. “This Sunday … Read more

The Hardwoods: Coming of Age

JANUARY 24, 1970: COMING OF AGE The light of the morning sun splashed over my eyes causing me to stir out of my slumber. I was about ready to fall back to sleep since it was Saturday. But as my mind started to focus, I quickly got up. It was my birthday! My tenth birthday! … Read more

Fantasys of a Bagger – Part 1- Cocoa and Ginger_(1)

9:45. Fifteen minutes until I would be free. My name is Andrew. I’m a bagger the the local grocery store in my small town. Studying myself in the bathroom mirror, I took in my features. I’m tall with very dark brown hair. My hazel eyes and dark hair contrast with my tawny white skin, a … Read more


“Did he approach you in the showers? Were you flaunting your large cock for him?” “Better still, I told him he can practice on both of us. You know I would love to watch his hands all over your naked body.” “Does he have any experience with females?” “Let’s find out.” A few days later … Read more


The compound wasn’t like many others, lots of steel little sheds, spread out through the Forrest; the entire thing was surrounded by large steel walls, ex military, so most of the compound was underground. Paid for by some rich man, then left to his family in their will, they sold it to the highest bidder. … Read more

Hairless Boner Swings Free In Open Air

The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the … Read more

He likes to watch

Ian Wells wasn’t the kind of teenager driven by hormones. On the contrary, sex never seemed to catch his interest. At the age of 17, he hadn’t had any kind of intercourse, and even masturbation was just a way to release some tension. Also, his rather plain outlook and his rigid behavior tended to isolate … Read more


PRAY FOR US SINNERS Part 1 “Hail, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.” Leaning over to the nightstand beside my … Read more

My Gay Sex Life: Chapter I_(1)

Me and Ben have been at the same school since year 7 and were instantly best friends, we live in an outback Australian town and there’s not much to do other than go to School and hang out at people’s houses. We went to different primary schools but as soon as we met we could … Read more

Late Night Fun

It was late in the Mandela dorm room. Harry’s roommates lay asleep; Harry was unfortunately kept awake. He wasn’t reading like he usually did—much too late for that, and a nightlight would be too bright. Instead, he was thinking. For the last month, he’d been having thoughts— romantic thoughts, not about girls like he usually … Read more

Once a virgin . . . now im not

hey my name is bella, im 15 and 3 months ago moved into a new neighbourhood. on my first day at our new house i rememba a lady from across the street came over to welcome us and shed brang, what i expected to be her son. ‘well hello there, its great to have some … Read more

The Kidnapping of Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber couldn’t fall asleep. He had a raging boner and his 4-inch cock was straining his tight underwear to the limit. He reached his hand into his pants and starting softly stroking his hard dick, growing faster and more vigorous in his motions. Soon he felt the familiar wave of the orgasm, and there … Read more


Sarah was relaxed, wearing heels, a short denim skirt and a matching denim jacket, just one button fastened, obviously no bra, as she flaunted her wonderful thighs and modest cleavage. As the time of arrival of my new sexual experience neared (or will it be our sexual experience}, Sarah teased me by asking, “Your new … Read more

Bratz Dolls

Hi, Im Mike. I’m like most 17 year old boys except for one thing. I think Bratz Dolls are very hot. It’s not because I can’t get any real pussy. Trust me, I do fine with real girls. I’ve just always had this strange fetish. If you don’t know what bratz dolls are, google them, … Read more

Have you ever?

“At least four or five times a week, my man and I are only just past forty and we both have strong sex drives, still. Our bodies are still attractive to both men and women. For him my big ass and hips is his big turn on, and for me his equipment, he is the … Read more