my favorite cousin! babysitter

From the author_please take it easy on me. This my first time! But this is vanilla compared to the other stuff. Like i said I’m in prison and looking for penpals. Peace! _holden aka jailbird Thier was no one i enjoyed babysitting me more than my cousin Alex. She was my moms age, my aunt … Read more

Football Tournament 2 (7th grade boys having “fun”)

When we finally arrived in Las Vegas, the team had to check into a hotel, which was more like a resort, we had to check into a room. There was about 6-8 boys per room, being that we were a big team with 35 kids they had to squeeze us in. the coaches got there … Read more

11] Steps Along the Road of Life.

Steps Along The Road Of Life. Telling the story of how I was introduced to gay sex woke many dormant memories, memories of events and occurrences, of faces and facts, of names and of people long gone from my life, things that have been submerged in the recesses of my brain for nearly 40 years. … Read more

Boyhood sexual experience with a man-teen

My boyhood sexual experience with Man- bodied teen; Man/boy love When I was about four years old, several older teenage kids, ranging from 13 to 14, lived around my neighborhood. One of the boys, Tony, lived next door with his grandmother. Tony was 14 years old and had a girlfriend named Stella, 13; she worked … Read more

Webcam Boys Chapter 9

Poster’s notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn’t get an account here), I’m posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren’t specific to any one chapter, but are … Read more

Me and my Neice and Nephews Part 5

How her kid brother got involved We continued fucking and sucking for the next month…probably at least 3 times a week…and she was getting DAMN good at it, and we were starting to get a bit relaxed and safe I guess…because we got caught. It was a Tuesday, Isabelle was “sick” and her parents had … Read more

Full Moon Syndrome 2: Jan’s Toybox and Cedrics’ Pleasur

Full Moon Drive 2: the toy box. I stared blankly at cedric’s smiling face. He looked so cute half asleep, I couldn’t help myself the full moon was still in the morning sky… I kissed him, our tongues dancing inside each others mouths. It was turning me on so much, through sheer force of will … Read more

Summer after college

His hand stroked furiously. The pressure was building and he began to feel the tingles deep in his chest. He clenched his jaw and his ass cheeks. Tight. His left hand held the windowsill for support. The only way to keep upright. A small grunt escaped his lips and he forced his mouth closed. He … Read more

Webcam Boys Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A Slow Fall John was getting worried. Every single day he saw his best friend trudge along the school corridors with the air of a disinterested hobo. Aside from the fact that William was often late these days, he attended classes as if he clearly did not want to be there, and worst … Read more

Bimbo/Slave Housewife Takes Care of Family

Chapter 1: Getting Ready… Today is a special day in our house. My Master-Husband is getting ready to go on a business trip for a week. This is exciting because it leaves me home alone with our teenage son and our dog. I am so thrilled for this wonderful week ahead of me. As much … Read more

Ward of the State

THE PROGRAM There are many programs in New York State. This story is but one of them. The Program as it’s currently operated was developed in the early 1970s by a group of employees to supplement their very meager State salaries. It eventually not only supplemented it, it made them very, very rich. The employees … Read more

Boy in The Bar 2 – The Party

Boy in the Bar 2 – The Party “A couple of the regulars I haven’t seen for a while said you looked after them just great last time they were in the bar. Must ha’ bin when I was having a nap or sumpin. Said they’d never been so well served,” said Joe [Benji’s Dad] … Read more

Tiny Little Sex Dreams

When I was a child my mother remarried. Her new husband was not fond of my father, I have several dominating features of his, and so it was somehow decided that I would go live somewhere else. I lived with a family that had a set of twins that were 6 years older than me, … Read more

My Little Girlfriend’s Surprise

I was always a very lech little boy. I was interested since I was in kindergarten. I always love these little cute angels with their white dress and white leggings. They seem to me as the ideal girl that can be my girlfriend. In kindergarten, girls and boy shared washroom. So often I can see … Read more

Fun in the Pictures

Here I was aged 9 or 10 still in short trousers and in the pictures on Saturday afternoon watching the old cowboy B films. It was an old cinema, nice and dark and not very busy. A little after the picture started this middle aged man came and sat next to me. Hello he said … Read more