Your Name Here_(1)

Chapter One The day started as it usually did. Groggily, Jess leaned over to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. He was so tired because he had been doing thirty hours a week at work lately and he wasn’t sleeping well because of his home life. Add in school and the homework that … Read more

Gabe and Fletcher chapter 2_(1)

Fletcher woke up and the first thing he saw was Gabe’s sleeping face. Gabe was so cute when he was asleep. Fletcher pulled the covers they were sharing further down to discover that the bed was still pretty sticky, and it smelled lovely. Fletcher looked at Gabe’s hot body, and put his arm to stroke … Read more

My ba

I was 17 years old and was 5 feet 8 inches tall. I belonged to an Asian country so I was considered very tall as people in Asia are not very tall. My complexion was as same as any Asian would have but I was always told by every one that I had very good … Read more

Boyhood sexual experience with a man bodied teenen

My boyhood sexual experience with Man- bodied teen; Man/boy love When I was about four years old, several older teenage kids, ranging from 13 to 14, lived around my neighborhood. One of the boys, Tony, lived next door with his grandmother. Tony was 14 years old and had a girlfriend named Stella, 13; she worked … Read more

Nathan or Nico?

I walked into my school, looking around nervously. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I had recently been given a very difficult choice by two guys I really liked. Nathan, the sensible option, a cute, intelligent, kind guy, who was strangely attractive. Or Nico, the really not sensible option, the hot football … Read more

Crossing Dressing Bro

A spray of sweet juices filled the sky. I can remember it so well my thick rushing and rip through those tight walls of his ass hole. His little face as he started to gasp and cry out from being invaded it was just another part of our journey together I thought as I shot … Read more

first time anal_(0)

I hadn’t been with a man for some time. I had moved to another state and really wasn’t sure where the action was. My wife was working and I had the day to myself. I decided to go to an adult bookstore not far from my house and see what it had to offer. This … Read more

Obsession (Chapter 1 – Obsession)

Prologue What happens when lust becomes an obsession? As human beings, our lust for things we cannot have is undeniable. We crave for sensations we are not allowed, and desire lovers we shall never have. Our senses trick us, and lie to us – confusing us and making us believe we can have these forbidden … Read more


“Would you like some company?,” one of the boys asked as they stood in front of us, while both of us ogled their larger than average, flaccid cocks and they ogled our naked bodies. We learnt Ryder and Felix were support dancers and part of a touring ballet company, having a short stay in a … Read more

The Time of our Lives

———————————————————————————————————————————————— One day Taylor and i were in the gym locker room. He surprised me because i was getting ready to leave to go to my next class and when i turned around to go towards the door he was standing there with a boner in his pants and he told me ” Hey Dakota … Read more


“She had asked her man if she could have two boys in their early twenties for her sexual pleasure, no fucking, just outer sex, oral sex only, though as we both know that leaves lots of exciting possibilities. He was very keen on the idea, she told me and he promised to make suitable arrangements. … Read more

Locker Room_(1)

We are getting ready for a game, the back of the locker room has kinda cleared out but its still close quarters. I am pretending to put stuff in my bag but am really watching him change. Ive been doing this for the past few weeks now. He wore under armor under his shirt the … Read more

My Gay Tale 2

Things were really getting serious with me and Aron. He wanted more so did I and the most beautiful thing was that he was so innocent, his innocence drove me crazy. As soon as he said that he wanted to get fucked by me there were currents running through my body I also wanted him … Read more

My Bitch_(1)

Claremont High School was located in one of the most comfortable suburbs of a large city. At 18, Derek was a senior and as popular as they come. He was 6′ tall, slender, and muscular with short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was handsome, but not rugged-looking. The girls swooned over him, and … Read more

Only One Road – chapter 15

– XV – I haven’t said a single word to him on the way back. I just pressed my forehead against the cold glass and stared outside for the whole time that took us to get home. When he pulled into his driveway, I opened the door, climbed out and found my car keys in … Read more