Teenage Sexperiments – Chapter 2

The week following was summer holiday, I had finished school now and was due to start an engineering apprenticeship in two weeks’ time. Both of my parents worked and so did Tom and Terri’s, so we were left to our own devices. It was Wednesday morning when I woke earlier than usual. Kenny was still … Read more

my love, chris

my best friend chris and i have been friends for about 3 years now. we began to get close cuz i was making a huge effort to see his full nude body. i swear he was the most beautiful boy ive ever seen. dirty blonde/brown hair with his new style of using gel, his body … Read more

Only One Road – chapter 6

– VI – “Sleeping with your eyes open?” he asked and I jumped slightly, startled. “Something like that”, I nodded and finished my pizza. “What was the name of the private dick?” he asked casually. I knew him well enough. “What are you going to do?” I looked in his eyes and he smiled the … Read more


His name was Scott and he was the most unbelievably beautiful guy I had ever seen. At 18 he stood 5’10″ and boasted 155 lbs of perfect teenage jock muscles. His long and shaggy blonde hair and eyes so brown they appeared black, a button nose and the most adorable dimples when he smiled had … Read more

Only One Road – chapter 11

– X – I guess I dozed off without even noticing it because suddenly I was back in our old high school again. It was the first week of January, right after the Christmas break. My parents left this morning for their usual deal-signing business. The same trip as the one that is going to … Read more

Suite Life Twincest IV & V

Let me know if you like these combo chapters. I might start doing these since this is going to be a long story. Chapter 4: Who Does He Really Love? Well, three months had passed since Cody and Zack first had sex. It was now mid-December and fall was almost over. For the first month … Read more

Rasing Peter, Chapter Three

“PETER BISHOP, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN BED WITH WIYH MY DAUGHTER” My eyes popped open. It took a second to realize where I was. Then it hit me that was Susan’s voice, her very angry voice. I raised up on my elbow and looked toward the doorway. Susan was standing there, hands … Read more

Growing up with siblings

Some background; While this is a fictional story there are some actual experiences. I did grow up in the fifties and sixties in a household where everyone worked. My parents both worked and from about twelve so did the kids. Many days no one was home to supervise the older or younger kids and we … Read more

Only One Road – chapter 5

– V – The ring of the doorbell successfully ended my trip down the memory lane which was a good thing because all those memories made my hands shake. They also turned me on to the point that I would probably look obscene if not for my long shirt. I glanced at the clock and … Read more

Just Another Day at the Hatchery

Just Another Day at the Hatchery This story is just another segment of my sexual development as I progressed into early adulthood at which time took place between my junior and senior years in high school, 1959 and 1960. I have to give my father credit for my background and interest in the great outdoors. … Read more

That Awkward Moment by

“So I guess we’re roommates then…” A clear, masculine voice echoed throughout the small room I was supposed to share with a schoolmate for a week. “Yeah, I guess so…” A handsome, young man stepped out from the shadows of the hallway; his distinctive European features contrasting with my Asian ones. His deep, brown eyes … Read more

Only One Road – chapter 12

– XII – When I pulled into my driveway it was almost midnight. Dylan looked asleep but the minute I turned the ignition off, he shifted in his seat and opened his eyes. “Are your parents gonna freak out when they see me?” he muttered. “My parents are not here”, I said. “They left until … Read more


The compound wasn’t like many others, lots of steel little sheds, spread out through the Forrest; the entire thing was surrounded by large steel walls, ex military, so most of the compound was underground. Paid for by some rich man, then left to his family in their will, they sold it to the highest bidder. … Read more

A day with Dad

It was around the last week of march, mid school year or about to end.. It was a sunday, there were no classes. I thought it was a normal day. I woke up at 10 a.m. had breakfast with my family, took a bath at 11, my mom and my younger sister took off to … Read more

Hairless Boner Swings Free In Open Air

The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the … Read more

Me and Jim

I was over at my friend Jim’s house one day. It was a fairly regular, nothing out of the ordinary day. Jim and I were doing the usual things, shooting the shit, playing video games, watching TV, all that stuff. After about an hour or so, Jim got up and walked over to his bed. … Read more

Help! – Part 1

Boom! The horrifying and unmistakeable sound of the wooden door being ripped violently from its hinges. Daniel pulled his knees in as close to his chest as he could and huddled himself tightly into a compact corner of his room. He braced himself for what he knew was about to happen to him. Smack! Darkness… … Read more

My Gay Sex Life: Chapter I_(1)

Me and Ben have been at the same school since year 7 and were instantly best friends, we live in an outback Australian town and there’s not much to do other than go to School and hang out at people’s houses. We went to different primary schools but as soon as we met we could … Read more