Give it a shot pt. 2

A month has passed since the beginning of the sexual relationship between Danny and I. We decided to keep it a secret between ourselves. I was happy with Danny. In fact at that moment I had never been happier. But there was one thing missing. Danny and I never had anal sex. So far Danny … Read more

Webcam Boys Chapter 8

Poster’s notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn’t get an account here), I’m posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren’t specific to any one chapter, but are … Read more


“You remember Jennifer and her man, they are around the same age us, a good looking couple. She told told me the men approached them and after some small talk they propositioned her and her man. She told me they were very forthright, the boys told her they would love to sexually pleasure their naked … Read more

A Canadian Story

A Canadian Story, c.2100 Coming off the subway, fighting upstream like a spawning fish, he tripped. “Damnit”, he muttered to himself, “stupid cuffs….” Proving all things are cyclical, the baggy style of the ’00’s was back yet again; the only thing new in fashion was the extremes to which it swung. Not even a decade … Read more

fun with Steve II

Home alone It has been about four months since me and Mark’s fun in the change rooms, and we have decided it would be best if no one found out about our activities, so here we are, sneaking of every chance we can to be together. This particular weekend my mum and dad will be … Read more

Robert’s Second Time

“Robert, wait up!” I heard Chase yell at me. We had been at his family’s farm this past weekend and had a wild time. “I heard you got to see Katy nude, boy!” He said grinning at me. “Yeah, had to. She had to be cleaned up you know? I said grinning and shrugging slightly. … Read more

invasion-chapters 1 and 2

Sorry but there is a lot of detail in this story before I get to the good stuff. So be patient or gtfo. Invasion Ch. 1-August 21st 2008 Let me start this journal off by telling you about myself. My name is Liam Jones, I was born at the Tri-City medical center in Ocanside, California … Read more

Two Friends

Foreward: I’ve been a long time reader, but never made an account, recently I made a short story for some friends, the beginning isn’t all that great, but it gets better towards the end, if you like it, that’s good, if you don’t, that’s also good. Just don’t expect more, but if demand ever gets … Read more

Squire Flynn’s Adventures part 2

Arthur knocked twice on the wooden door and waited several second, listening for permission to come inside. “Enter!” Came the reply after several seconds, and the young boy stepped in. Sir Javid was inside, standing in front of a mirror as he got dressed. He wore only undergarments in bed, as Arthur came to discover … Read more

Me and Paulie, Paulie and me chp-1

Well I guess I had better begin this little ditty by introducing my self, my name is Theo, and at the time this story is set I was seventeen years old. I was built fairly well with dark eyes and black hair that I had gelled more often than not, my cock was of a … Read more

Missionary Positions

It had been the most brutal few months of my nineteen year life. The regimented routine, virtually no contact with non-church materials or media, endless pressure to drag people into baptism, and being joined at the hip 24/7 with a companion, some of whom drove me nuts, had not made for a spiritual experience so … Read more

A night with Max part 2

******************* This is where the last part left off : ‘Dare.’ i once again said. ‘Take off your shirt and pants.’ Max ordered. I was more than happy to follow suit. I could see Max staring at my cock through my trousers sand that is when he asked me the question. ‘Hey, are you a … Read more