Measuring Up 2

After their experience on Max’s birthday things basically returned to normal between the two brothers. Max had enjoyed showing off to his brother and Liam was happy with discovering what a boys sex was all about and was looking forward to his own equipment growing to a similar size in the, he hoped, near future. … Read more

Turning My Best Friend Gay…PART 3

By now, Mike was consuming my mind sexually. Don’t get me wrong, I still loved to look at women, but when it came to thinking about sex and masturbating my mind was typically focused on him. Occasionally I would think about other friends if I had spent time with them, mainly my friend Dave. Interestingly … Read more

Tim, the Teenage Part VIII

Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. Now originally it was all going to … Read more

A New Friend From Afar

Ok, This is my first story. all criticism is welcome, even the bad and the ugly. I hope you like it! This is fiction ————————————————————————————————— A New Friend from Afar So, I am a thin guy with blond hair and a muscular body. I am about average height and weight. I also happen to be … Read more

Breaking Bariers

Authors note- This is my first sexual story so I would really like to have feed back, please please give advice and critiques! Start “Chris… Oh god chris please more more, don’t stop…. I love it….” I whimpered as chris put his hard 8 inch cock near my budding flow He was rubbing the tip … Read more

Me and Adam_(1) by

It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about what a fun weekend I would have. I was going to stay at my best friend Adam’s house for the … Read more

Teen High School Locker Room Sex

This is the true story of how I as I teenager I discovered my true sexuality (bi) with my teen boy crush in high school gym class. I have changed the name of the beautiful boy who made it possible, but the rest is completely and utterly true. From the age I about 13 I … Read more

Stewart’s Adventures. Episode 1

STEWART’S ADVENTURES 1 – BABYSITTING BRAD THE BRAT `I know its short notice Stewart, but I don’t often get invited out since Brad’s father moved out, I’ll pay you œ25 for the night and all the Pizza you can eat.’ `Ok I guess I can Mrs Stevens. I’ll be over at 7′. I said as … Read more

Brothers Love_(1)

My brother and me have always been pretty close, you know, like most brothers. Basically if it where not for the age difference we would be even closer. im Andrew, im 14. im tall, slim body, average build for my age I guess. I have kina like my own version of the haircut that Justin … Read more


What you are about to read is totally fiction make believe, it never happened, no boy or boys were ever involved in sexual activities with other boys or teens. Due to sexual activity and rude words used you have to be 18 and over to be here, also find out if it’s ok by your … Read more

My New Neighbor’s Part 2

Part 2 Please read Part 1 of My New Neighbors in order to make sense of this story. Thank you. Reaching for Benny’s 14 year old dick with my right hand, and still occasionally wiping remaining soap and water running into my eyes with my left, he stepped forward and embraced me as if his … Read more