Story of My Unfortunate Life – Chapters 5 & 6

Chapter 5: My Horrible Sleep —————————————- I woke up from the same nightmare for the fifth time In a row, the one with XANA taking control of my body and making me nearly kill Ulrich. I looked at my alarm clock, which said 4:40 AM APRIL 24th. Yawning due to my lack of sleep, I … Read more

A Day In The Woods_(0)

Intro: Joshua and Jacob have been best friends since 3rd grade. Being in 7th grade now, neither have really had any gay feelings for each other, but one day they decide to go hiking, and they find themselves in a rather unexpected position “Dude, I’m so bored, you don’t have any fun games! We should … Read more

Lex and I

I have always been the curious type seeking new, exciting experiences at every opportunity. Usually, I had to get far away from the sleepy, Florida town I grew up in to get these thrills. But I was pleasantly surprised by one particular experience that I came upon right at home. I was 17 at the … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography I

Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens, and teens and teens. It will eventually contain some pretty sever humiliation and punishment scenes. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based on anyone real, and none of this ever happened. … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography VI

Bateman and Son Photography Ch.6 Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens, and teens and teens. It will eventually contain some pretty severe humiliation and punishment scenes and probably some bondage. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based … Read more

Forbidden Love M&J Part 1

One day in science class, I sat with my hands in my pockets. Jordan, the boy next to me was paying me no attention, and I was kinda glad, cause I didn’t want him to notice the bulge in my zipper. But the teacher was paying attention to me. “Malik!” she called out. “Are you … Read more

Tantalizing Chapter Two

After gym class I had Chemistry, which thank god Gavin Jensen was in there. I couldn’t stop thinking about him standing up for me, he told off Chris Edwards. I could see him now I was across from him in our pod of six, his black silky hair covering his blue eyes. He was laying … Read more

Detention 10

“What are you doin here?” I looked at my mother incredulously as though I had never seen her before. I hadn’t really seen her in almost a week or more. She was sitting on the couch with a very stern expression on her face. I just stood there unable to really believe that she was … Read more

Apocolypse chapter 9 + 10

Apocalypse Chapter 9 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can’ remember who’s who or if I have failed describe them enough. Derrik, he’s a typical American teen age boy. 13 years old 5 foot 5 tall around 115 pounds. Light brown hair and hazel eyes and … Read more

Detention 14

CHRIS The phone kept ringing and ringing, but he wouldn’t fuckin’ answer it. “What the fuck are you doin’?” I screamed into the phone. The only answer I got back was the ring tone that went on forever and forever. After about five more rings, I slammed the receiver down on the hook, mad as … Read more

A Royal’s Lust 2

“P-permission to speak freely your highness,” I asked as I followed him deeper into the woods. “I didn’t bring you here to stand in silence Dominic” “Please spare Prince Allen sir, it was me who seduced him, I’m prepared to be stripped of my rank and of my life but please don’t hurt him” I … Read more

Not so little brother: Chapter 10

It has been a long time since I’ve updated this series and I’m really happy I’ve gotten back to work on it. I’ve gotten a lot of e-mail about it since the last time I updated and I’m sorry if I’ve neglected to respond. It wasn’t my priority. I’ve tried to be better at responding … Read more