“Are you with me so far? Now listen closely. Shay has two men in toe, Kai and Ajax, just boys really, both in their early twenties, half her age, her Personal Assistants she told me, who she wants to include them in the arrangements. They are both pretty boys with good bodies, I just sent … Read more


42 GEL AT HOTEL DEL “Sean, it’s amazing how many friends and family say they plan to make our wedding! Lot’s willing to fly in. Some even canceled Labor Day weekend plans.” “Sounds like we’ll fill that banquet hall after all.” “I think they just want to gel at Hotel del. I’m thankful that your … Read more

School Camp: Indulging in Henri.

My favorite time of the school year had arrived. It was camp time. A most perfect excuse to be alone with other boys in tight quarters. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing I love more than missing regular classes to go and have fun in the outdoors, it just so happens that I also enjoy … Read more

7 love dove love shove

13 LOVE FROM ABOVE “Hey Alex. I’m so happy for you and Logan.” “Thanks Jeff, but what happened to you?” “What do you mean?” “This speaking in tongues stuff.” “Oh! You heard. Who told you?” “Who didn’t tell me!” Everyone thinks your cranium cracked.” “It was crazy! But I’m still the little rascal you always … Read more

The Librarian – Part 6

Tears still running down his face, Daniel slowly walked up to Peter. “I’m not a liar, but I did break my promise. Please forgive me for that,” he quietly asked, barely looking at him. Too much was happening at once, and his mind was almost numb. “Cheating bitch,” Peter hissed, the anger and jealousy evident … Read more


39 HEAL DEAL “Hi Alex, this is Sean” Timidly, “Hi Sean.” “Logan’s parents agreed to a meeting tonight.” “OK.” “You really don’t wanna do this, do you.” “I do, but, well you know.” “There’s one stipulation.” “What do you mean?” “They don’t want any touching between you and Logan, not even a handshake.” “Sounds good.” … Read more

Stewie’s Day in Hell (Family Guy) 2

Stewie was still stuck under the fat mans bloated stomache. His tiny lips shoved up against his father’s pube’s, and his flaccid cock still in his mouth. After the fucking he just got from his dog he felt so scared and confused. All he could do was suck on Peters cock like a pacifier. Brian … Read more

Wet Bottoms

In the seventies one of my friends, Ryan, lived a few blocks from me and we were very similar in our physical features. He had dark, curly hair as opposed to my straight kind of blonde hair but we both had slender, smooth, bodies. We would often hang out at his house or mine, shoot … Read more

My Awakeining_(1)

My Awaking Part2. Recap: I was raised by my grandma who is an ultra-conservative woman. At this point in life I was still a virgin with little knowledge of sex. Because of a family death my grandma had to leave town and left me in the care of her longtime friend Jennifer who lived with … Read more

The first me and my best friend sucked each others cocks extended edition

My name Alex im from a small town in west texas I was A 22 year old mexican, 5’8 slim but muscular with a beard. Not only was i straight, but I was married to an incredibly sexy Latina she happened to be out of town for the weekend leaving earlier that morning. My best … Read more

The first time me and my best friend sucked each other’s cocks

My name Alex im from a small town in west texas I was A 22 year old mexican, 5’8 slim but muscular with a beard. Not only was i straight, but I was married to an incredibly sexy Latina. My best friend Jerrod was coming over to my house and he excitedly told me “ … Read more

new life 1.5

Chapter no. 2:Punishment………. part-1 This is the continuation of my story new life …….. I finished up cleaning the guestroom bathroom and also took a shower. Although my ass hole was swollen and hurting like hell i still managed to clean it all up. I got redressed and went up to my father. During all … Read more

Laurens Lesbian Fantasy Extended by

“I’m sorry Lauren; I just can’t go out with a girl with a penis” She slams the phone down and her eyes start to water, she soon bursts in to tears. Her tear drenched pillow is equal to her red puffy eyes. The phones rings, it’s her friend Julia “Hello?” Julia has also been crying, … Read more

Clean Yourself Up

Sweaty, big, 16 year old boys ran about the football field. Some throwing, some catching, some tackling. You couldn’t tell one from another with their helmets on, but Jeremy, a blond haired, blue eyed boy stood out from them. He was tall, a rippling 6 pack, and skinny, but not scrawny. An angel face, and … Read more