Family holiday to Turkey -Dads holiday

Dave, his wife Claire and their daughter Amy finally arrived at the hotel after what felt like an eternity! Their flight had been delayed and then the taxi they’d prebooked didn’t show “there’s 50 quid I’ll never see again” Dave grumbled. But they finally arrived at their 5* resort. A golf course for Dave to … Read more

The Gender Wars Chapter 1 Protection

I was born in the late 2020s. I’m told, that’s when the Feminists began heating up the debate that started the war. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. My name is Martin Michaels, First infantry division of the United Male Domination Forces or U.M.D.F, and this is my story. Chapter 1 Protection By the … Read more

Awakening pt. 5 (3)

I looked down into the valley towards the temple, surrounded by statues of naked gods and women. The sun shone through the clouds and the lone oak tree, which sat atop the hill I was on, swayed gently, leaves glittering in the sunlight. “Going well?” a voice asked behind me, “Not bad, well, pretty good, … Read more

of Femininity and Sucking Cock

His short breath echoing in the mostly empty bathroom was loud at first, but when it came filled with the sound of his mouth working over a particularly thick cock, the noises were deafening. Kora shifted the position of his heels on the floor, the scraping barely ringing out above the choking sounds that his … Read more

Timewalker pt 1a

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 1a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter in there!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. She allowed Frank to hold her tightly while she … Read more

Denise Part 1

Denise was a woman who really knew how to stand out. She was stunningly beautiful. 5’ 6 inches tall, black, with huge almond shaped eyes that always seemed to look suggestive, a full mouth and a beautiful smile. She also had an extremely curvaceous figure created by the combination of a big round bottom, massive … Read more

Texas dildo masscare (part3of4)

The sheriff had seen enough inside the mad farm house. He reached the porch door and took a deep breath of the afternoon air. In his time he had seen many sights but those devices down in the cellar made his heart pound with disgust and morbid sexual fascination. “Jesus!” he coughed to himself leaving … Read more

Debt and its high price part 6: Kali’s taste of Kalona

Kali heard his top fall, his zipper, and then his jeans and boxers fall to the ground. Somehow it stirred a primal instinct in her body. She felt her body longing to have him inside her, suprise, as she still hurt from the whipping she just received. That is untill he walked over in front … Read more

The Fowler and His Net – Chapter 9

A strange pungent smell woke him in the midst of a wild dream. He was Gulliver to a thousand, hundred legged creatures made from just breasts and vagina. They swarmed over him, drooled from their nipples and laid tracks on his torso like snails. He was floating and the water level rose. In his dream … Read more

Training Desmond_(0)

Training Desmond Desmond woke. His head ached. More than ached. It was as if the Halle Orchestra was tuning up inside it and using his head for a kettle drum. Desmond woke and gradually became aware of his situation. His legs were cold. He was lying on something very hard. He was outside. The grey … Read more

Slave Pt.2 The buying and training.

Travis left his dorm that morning after a long hot shower. In his mind he could still hear his roommate fucking his new slave violently. They had finished some time before dawn, and she had emerged from the room sweating, and smiling, blood and cum dripping down her legs from her abused and swollen pussy … Read more

The Fantasy Of Rape by

The Fantasy of Rape This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater. He has told me on numerous occasions, and even … Read more

Lovely Intruder part 3

My body trembled and my mind raced as I saw Will walk towards me. His gaze felt so powerful over me; at least Sir’s was gentle some of the time. What I saw in this man’s eyes was a very strong urge to control and take what wasn’t his, along with a burning passion for … Read more

Your wife Lisa and me 2

So your wife came to me the other night, when I opened my front door there she was, in just those black high stilettos with the 6” heels she can barely walk in and hold up black stockings and that black neck choker with the silver words ‘sex slut’ on it, exactly as I commanded … Read more

The Fowler and His Net – Chapter 8

Friday nights at the Plough had become more tedious for Gary as late. There had been no bang on the wall from next door for two weeks and the regular nights out with Tracey has ceased, in part, due to his increasingly erratic behaviour. So, he was left with the regulars, who, suspicions of his … Read more