Tiger Tiger

It had probably been weeks that I had spent stranded in this forest, though there was no way for me to know. I kept count of the first few days by hacking notches into a tree but I’d soon realized that I needed to keep moving and set a goal for myself. My comrades had … Read more

Timewalker pt 3b (long)

Twelve years later, Walter Madigan passed away in his sleep. His wife, Alicia, and her seventeen-year-old son, Zack, who knew his real father was Jake Pestova, returned for a time to Alicia’s hometown of Gallatin Heights in Montana. Once a small community fifty miles away from Bozeman, and almost the same distance from Helena, it … Read more

Filthy femdoms: forced oral-part 6

After my complete humiliation in the video room I seemed no longer bound by any normal conventions of sexual behavior. Nothing was too filthy for the wardresses to inflict upon me…and very quickly I was becoming the consumate animal slave…bound by force, and by my own uncontrollable cravings, to do their bidding each day… regardless … Read more

Timewalker pt 1a

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 1a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter in there!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. She allowed Frank to hold her tightly while she … Read more

Jennie The Giantess

Jennie enjoyed the conversion so far. It was a wonderful experience, from the tables set up in artist alley which was just a menagerie of tremendously talented artists (though some not so talented), to the panels revolving around just about anything anime and oddly, many things not related to anime. The choices were absolutely endless … Read more

Training Desmond_(0)

Training Desmond Desmond woke. His head ached. More than ached. It was as if the Halle Orchestra was tuning up inside it and using his head for a kettle drum. Desmond woke and gradually became aware of his situation. His legs were cold. He was lying on something very hard. He was outside. The grey … Read more

Jordans sex Sequal prt 5&6

~The Next Day As I was putting on some clothes jake asked me where I was going. I told him hunting… He said okay and jumped in the bed and turned the T.V on to his favorite show. CSI. I hoped out the window and landed swiftly on the ground. I jogged into the forest … Read more

application for secretary

I worked in an office as a secretary, and my friend Margaret worked there too. It was our job to interview new candidates for positions opening every few weeks. This week, we were to interview for another secretary position in our building. Margaret and I met in my office one afternoon to look over the … Read more

The Perfect Wife Manual

I was wondering around the used bookstore, more or less trying to delay going home. In the year and a half we had been married Shannon had changed from a cute, perky, slender, vivacious, sexy, fun girl into a rather distant, chubby, out of shape, unpleasant nag who avoided sex like the plague. It had … Read more

freak rape

I don’t know what first attracted me to her, maybe it was the fact that as I run to work each day I see her cycling by, maybe it was seeing her curvacious body and those luscious boobs straining her tight fitting bike pants and top to near bursting that first started me thinking about … Read more

The Treatments

The Treatments Part one. Falling Into Place. The day started like any other, until it took a hard left turn. Alice was out with her favorite horse Chip taking a quick ride around the property before school as she worked to break in a new saddle. The sunrise was gorgeous, the air crisp- Alice’s favorite … Read more

The Aquatic Boy_(1)

I hope you like this story guys, I’m not a native English speaker, so I might have committed some grammar mistakes and this is my first story, tell me in the comments what you think David awoke horrified as he saw cables around his body “What the hell?” “Where am I?” he said to himself … Read more

Hard Stabling

The barn was beautiful in the late afternoon sun. Light poured down through the small cracks in the ceiling and the back wall, illuminating the dancing dust motes that flittered through the air. There was a soft, steady breeze blowing outside, which kept the tall grass surrounding the building perpetually ruffled. It also took the … Read more